#6 To New Shores

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Component six

Quote of the day: "A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, the man who never reads lives only once."

"Where did you find those?", Dima asked, trailing his fingers across the blueprints almost lovingly.

"I found them in our house, in a hidden safe.", Danse replied, ignoring the judgemental looks the others were shooting him. He didn't really care what they thought about him, his lover was gone and potentially in great danger - there was no time to respect his privacy right now.

"So what? Are we gonna start now?", Hancock asked into the room feeling suddendly energized and hopeful again.

Everybody turned their head to Dima, who then looked at Faraday, who was exchanging a look with Sturges.

"Yes.", Faraday then said and the project began.


Astonishingly they managed to recreate the time machine pretty well. And not only did they do it, they managed to do it in just under two days, a fact which they could be really proud of.

With the machine ready and the plan worked out, all they had to do was packing their stuff and hop onto the platform.

Danse was a bit pissed because Dima didn't allow him to take his power armor with him. Actually everybody had repeatedly told him to leave it back at Sanctuary. Not that this would get him to change his mind...

Deacon for example could only pack two disguises and poor Strong had to stay home entirely, because of obvious reasons.

He wasn't all to happy about this but accepted his fate after growling a quick and low: "You bring the human back soon or Strong smash you!"

No need to be said that everybody was fairly intimidated but since it was everybody's goal to get Nate back as soon as possible, there seemed to be no conflict in interests.

Now everybody was finally set and they had positioned themselves in a half circle around the platform of the time machine.

They were just talking through some last details with Sturges when there was suddenly a commotion at the entrance to Sanctuary.

Immediately everybody was highly alerted because if there was going to be an attack now, they'd be completly screwed, since everybody only took one or two really light weapons with them. Additionally Preston, who volunteered to stay back and coordinate everything, was to arrive with the Minutemen only in two days time.

Luckily and highly surprisingly it were neither Gunners nor Raiders who entered Sanctuary, but Desdemona and Arthur Maxson, walking side by side, which was a miracle in itself.

Nate had cooled down the tensions and got everybody to work together instead of starting a war but they usually still couldn't be in a room together without starting a fight.

It seemed as though that over the tricky situation they forgot their conflicts and choose to just ignore each other for the time being.

Desdemona positioned herself in front of Deacon, while Maxson headed for Danse.

Then each of them started a long and motivating speech/lecture which all had about the same content: Bring the Fucker back, we need him, or you are in some serious trouble.

Finally, after the last speech was held, the last shoelace was tied and the last cigarette smoked, Cait, Danse, Deacon, Nick, Hancock, Piper and MacCready entered the time machine together.

And then the world exploded.

Because the settlers of Sanctuary had set up a firework. A godforsaken firework.

Though their intentions were nice, since it really was a fancy way to say goodbye. During the last days there had been much tension and especially the settlers felt kind of uncomfortable with the situation every so often. Therefore this firework cheered them up and gave them the courage to take the next step. So, the soon-to-be time travelers waved and smiled one last time, shouted promises and goodbyes and then they closed their eyes, ready to face whatever was to come now.

Sturges closed his eyes as well, or rather he screwed them shut tightly and then brought his hand down to press the button of the time machine.

He hadn't liked to do it with Nate, when he send him of to the institute in the unstable teleporter, and he also didn't like to do it now, but while he was still thinking this, he felt the button press down under the weight of his hand.

And this time the world really exploded in a blindning flash of light.


Gone. As he opened his eyes again blinking into the rising sun, he saw that they were gone and that there clung no blood or intestines to the metal.

'I guess this is as good as it gets...', he thought to himself.

Sanctuary was now enveloped in a heavy silence which was only broken by the sounds drifting from a nearby radio.

Travis Miles from the famous Diamond City Radio just told the latest news:

"S-so, there is a really nice guy, a friend of mine actually, t-the vault dweller. He seems to be in danger of some sorts. He i-is a r-realy great guy-y, I'm sure s-some of you know him. Anyway his friends are apparently planning on saving him, d-despite the danger.
Therefore let's-s whish them th best of luck and p-pray that our friend is alright.
This is T-travis M-Miles from Diamond City R-radio and now you're hearing "It's all over but the crying" from the "Ink Spots", a great song, e-enjoy it!"


*Back to stage with Psycho and Buffout*

Some workers were setting some things on the stage up, while Buffout and Psycho were backstage, drinking coffee, taking drugs, and flirting with Mark. Well Buffout was doing most of the stuff.
The spectators were outside, smoking a cigarette, getting drinks, talking to the director and waiting for the show to continue.

"This is so scary." Buffout says with a blank face and monotone voice.
"What, exactly?", Psycho asks rather confused.
"The whole situation. I mean, even if they find Nate, what about the other Nate? And won't there be two Nicks as well? This is so weird." Buffout seemed quite frustrated. Her usually hyped mood was suddenly gone. For once in a while she was rather... calm.
"Well, we will just have to see what will happen in the past." Psycho says, shrugging.
"Wow, I expected something more relieving.", Buffout comments in an annoyed tone.
"I'm not God, Buffy."

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