What is Modesty?

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Modesty is defined as...
- Freedom from vanity, boastfulness, ostentation or showy extravagance
- Regard for decency of behaviour, speech and dress
- Unassuming, unpretentious, unobtrusive, moderate and simple.

In terms of women's fashion, modesty is dressing in a way that is "moderate." Dressing modestly is not showing off our bodies with garments that reveal our upper bodies, thighs or what would be considered a private area.

Dressing modestly does not mean we are ashamed of our bodies, but it means we want to cover ourselves.

Why do I dress modestly?

Personally, I dress modestly because I am a Christian, and it is discussed in the Bible. Another reason, is that when I meet people, I want them to be able to judge me by my character primarily, not my body. I also live in quite a cold climate, so dressing modesty is practical as well!

So you dress modestly?

Dressing modestly in a society that does not, of course brings questions.
Some people are curious to why you might choose to wear skirts all the time, others may wonder why you aren't rocking the newest sports bra on Instagram, and others may lose sleep over why you aren't wearing ripped shorts?

People always have their questions, and somehow believe you are being forced to - and they'll be shocked that its a choice.

Modesty can bring questions and confusion, but don't let that put you off. Just because you dress modestly doesn't mean you can't have style!

Why I dress modestly?
Quotes provided by dress girls who dress modestly,all for different reasons:

"I dress modestly because of my faith, I believe that by dressing this way I am obeying God and I prefer being covered."

"I dress modestly because it is empowering. Its a way of taking control of my body over who gets to see it and who doesn't."

"I dress modestly because my parents want me to, and they don't want people to get a bad impression of me. It's also because of religion."

"I think it is important for people to see what's in the inside and that can be hard when they carry themselves in an immodest way. Also I think that it is important for us not to be a stumbling block for our brothers in Christ."

"I dress modesty because I believe my body is a temple, and I want to keep it as such."

"I dress modestly due to religious and personal reasons."

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