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"One thing can change Everything"
✿✿✿✿✿✿ Ivy 

"I think I want to tell Gray how I feel, I think it's time Justine told me to wait but I feel ready" I sigh feeling my long hair fly up as I speak into the phone with Dylan who was listening attentively. Dylan one of the bunch of goofballs I love very much listened to me go off about our best friend Gray, I was lucky that he out of the other three was a good listener/secret keeper.
Alec and Chris, on the other hand, weren't very good at keeping secrets since they were louder than a group of fucking yodelers.
"I feel you except Lee's probably straight let's face it," Dylan says defeated.
"OKAY! one YOU'RE A FUCKING SNACK. TWO LEE HAS OOGLED YOU MORE THAN ONCE so you're just being a little bitch" I said hearing my uncle Pauls angry footsteps up to my room. I request a video call from Dylan and he quickly accepts seeing that he's inside a car driving ill scold him later.
The door swung open and angry looking Uncle Paul is revealed, his mouth wide open to yell at me but nothing comes out when he sees that I'm on a video call with Dylan who waves hello at Paul.
He nods at Dylan and turns to me speaking in a calm manner.
"Next time Ivy, don't leave both locks on the door when I'm out so I won't have to get in through the window," He said sounding annoyed and I rolled my eyes smirking.
"NOW you know how it feels" I turned around sticking my tongue at Paul.
Paul grunted and rolled his eyes and left down the stairs patting off a few leaves stuck to his shirt since he had to climb a tree up to the kitchen window.
I heard the doorbell ring and Paul shouted upstairs I quickly say goodbye to Dylan.
I run downstairs swinging open the door to see Gray, Chris, Alec, and a short person behind their tall figures, I immediately remembered that Dylan had gone back to being a dirty blonde from having plain dark blue-black hair, my eyes widened recognizing his head and I pushed past them hugging Dylan tightly.
"I missed you and how could you drive and call it's not safe!" I spoke clutching on to his waist, after two years of not seeing him he finally returned.
"Me too Iv," he said pushing me away and rolling his eyes "Also Alec heard everything" my eyes widen but before I can get anything out I'm cut off.
"Wow, why can't you receive us like that?" Alec said crossing his arms and I smirked and rolled my eyes.
"Well considering that you three can't stay by my side at a party for at least a minute says a lot." I walked back in and Paul nodded towards the phone signaling that he was off on a date and I nodded in reply as he exited the door.
Everyone walked in and began to chat and Gray helped me make some snacks for everyone before we started to watch all the high school musical movies since I had basically forced everyone to watch the movies with me.
I grabbed three tubs of ice cream one tub for Dylan Rockyroad his favorite, One sea salt caramel for Chris and chocolate for gray and I. Gray looked at me as I struggled to hold the bags of hot fries and takis with the tubs he smiled and stacked on top a bag of popcorn I rolled my eyes walking out of the kitchen knowing damn well he was going to be sitting on the floor since he didn't help.
When I put everything on the center table everyone grabbed what they needed Alec just wanted some cut fruit that I would end up preparing for him after ensuring my bag of chips was safe.
I walked back in and Gray had just finished cutting some apples and put them into a bowl. I stood beside him and began cutting mangos along with some strawberries in perfect silence I hummed to myself until Gray nudged me more than once. "Iv can I ask you something?" He said interrupting the silence and I sent him a glare resulting in him repeating the nudging. 
"Calm your balls, Landon!" I said annoyed and I turned to him he smirked and nudged me again and I stuck my tongue at him rolling my eyes and putting the fruit into a bowl.
"Hey calm down I just wanted to ask if you'd join Justine at this party, " he said tucking his hands into his jean pockets.
"No" I simply replied knowing that I didn't mix well at parties I was too rigid and too uptight to even go to one especially with Justine my other best friend who was an insane party animal.
"Come on Ivy you know she's such a handful when she's drunk, SHES YOUR BESTFRIEND" He said groaning and then continued "Plus you can't just stay here watching boring movies your whole life," he said rolling his eyes mocking me.
"Watch me Landon" I walked away from him going into the living room feeling my heart flutter when Grays' hand came in contact with mine when he took the bowl from my hands but held it looking into my eyes "Just think about it please?" he said giving me puppy eyes.
"No," I said walking off to sit down with everyone else.
After watching the second movie it was already nighttime and we were already sick of Troy and Gabriella all Dylan and Alec had a nonstop argument on how Sharpay deserved to be the star since she was taking acting seriously and how Troy and Gabriella literally ruined it.
But I wasn't about to admit it to everyone else around me, I was sitting down my legs draped over Grays' leg and he was texting again on his phone. He stood up and then stretched, he turned off his phone and turned around to me and smiled "So are you down to go to the party?" he said smiling and I smirked shaking my head no, Good luck Gray. 
They all got up ready to leave and I stood up stretching as soon as I made sure they left I changed into some shorts and an oversized sweatshirt I went down to the liquor store to buy something to drink since I was feeling like getting some vitamin water and a few candy bags for the night.
When I got in I immediately went to the candy section grabbing a vitamin water, a bag of gummy worms, sour patch kids, and some cookies.
As I walked toward the register I bumped into a hard chest, I looked up and saw dark brown glaring eyes that belonged to guy my age.
"Sorry about that I got distracted," He said scratching his head and giving me a smile as he looked down at me. He wore a black tshirt and ripped Jean's, with his hair messy, he sent me a smirk making me roll my eyes another "bad boy" fuck boy with a nice smile and dimples wowie. Even though he looked my age I knew guys like him weren't even worth the flirt it always ended in heartbreak. 
"Its okay I'm fine," I mumbled walking away quickly from this dude since I didn't want to get home later than expected. I paid for my stuff and left feeling paranoid that he kept on looking at me on my way out of the store he gave me some sort of gut feeling I just couldn't put my finger on it.

I bumped into Justine we danced for a while and this was the first time this whole night she didn't drink or try to walk off with another guy to go hook up.
I was happy to see that she wasn't off hurting herself and was just here, normal.
We both sat outside talking about our lives, and about life, eventually we laid together on the grass. And we gazed at the stars its crazy how so much can be said in one night and how much we can learn in these late night conversations.
"It must be nice to be like Ivy, shes had it good, she has tons of people that love her even the boys who are hard headed, I know they don't like me, my parents don't either they always fight, they are always cold to me" she said her eyes watery. 
"Some of us just aren't meant to be loved" she turned to me and gave me a sad smile, my heart sank because I felt that way all the time.
"Maybe we need to fill broken areas with other broken parts" I replied looking at her, her gaze showing emotion her eyes on my lips, and trailed back to my eyes "are you broken too?" She said looking at me with a sad expression "yes" I replied looking at her my heartbeat was going crazy I didn't understand this feeling at all I couldn't comprehend what was going on. "Then fix me" she said breathlessly as she inched closer to my face kissing my lips kissing Justine ignited a new feeling in me, and I think she was what i needed to fill that empty void in my heart.

Sorry for any errors I will be fixing them soon!

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