The secret

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Its been a few weeks since the kiss we began to move on but it was this filling of gilt that was killing me I had to tell him.There's also this guy that pop's up at school than disappear's as soon as you turn your head I've been think a lot about him and if he was really there because we I see him my friend's don't."Jason way are you starring at stated Sarah. One of my other friends." That guy I reply."What guy said max " Over...... And he was gone like that. "Never mind I say.See wat I mean who the hell is this guy.Next morning at school was pretty normal besides the fact that the mysterious guy wasn't in his usauly spot no instead he's talking to my principal Mr.Plank. After the weird guy leaves know as Mr.Planks I walk over to the weird guy."Who are you I ask." Your new math teacher since Mr.Gates quit. Mr.Gates quit wow but he loved us we're a pretty alsome class maybe it was his other classes." Really I say suspiciously." Yeah he was very sick he said with a smile that made my skin feel like a millipede was crawling on it."Sick but mr.Gates keep him self very healthy. Something told me 1.He wasn't sick and 2.He didn't quit." Maybe he caught something at this time the man was very frustrated with me." Have a nice day I say not really meaning it." You too he say's I'll be watching he whispers. I turn around and walk away. I'll be watching you who the hell is this guy I cault his name mr.Garfield." Hmm. Should I ask or even tell them. I haven't even saw or spoken to them since the hospital and that's been weeks. I pick up my phone checking calls and messages nothing but on from an unknown" I'll be watching you. I drop my phone one the bed and pace the room. I was stopped by a door bell. I walk down stairs parents there first I set on the stairs watching it was Max."Thank god I whisper. I get up and hug him" what's up man I say " stuff he reply's mr.Gates quit. "I know bummer I reply he's replaced by this stupid mr.Garfield who say's he'll be watching he even got my phone number I show him my phone.My parents look at each other "What's his first name dad stated."I don't know he was tall around 6ft he had dark black hair curly and glasses but a clean face no beard or bumps."Ugh how old did he look my mom said looking nervous."I don't know late thirty's I say. My mom ran up stair's as fast as I ever seen her move. I follow behind her and my dad stops me." Trust me he said.I moved his hand and went up stairs to she my mom on the phone." Ben it's him.I could hear what the author person said. Mom grabbed her fought and walk through the door see looked at me then keeled walking I followed her." I'll be right back she told dad "wait I said." She turned around looked at me then walked out the door." You just let her leave I said."Trust me then my dad walked up stairs What was the secret between them who where they who am I. "Hey Max this is a bad time I say." Ok because I wanna talk to you about a secret. Then he walked out. "What secret I whisper.

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