Chapter 4

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“Ooh Fuck! Harder Daddy!” Angelo moaned as the thrusts under him grew faster. They were both so close. Angelo throwing his head back after just one more hard thrust. He arched his body and gripped the guys knees. He knew every way to move his body to give his John’s a good show. He kept his head thrown back as he caught his breath. The cold air in the alleyway carrying his breath away in a pretty little puff. 

As soon as Angelo felt like he could move his legs, he pulled himself away from the guys lap and fixed his skirt. He had to look around for a minute for the panties. Oh great, they had been thrown in a puddle. He yelped when a heavy hand came down on his ass. 

“Bend over like a pretty little slut for those and I’ll give you an extra twenty~” The john purred out. Angelo rolled his eyes and did as told, even giving a little wiggle. He shivered, feeling the cold air on his exposed ass. With another disgusting smack, he stood back up. 

“Alright mistah, for that you’re giving me a light too…” He grinned and batted his long lashes. The guy rolled his eyes and pulled a pack from his pants. The guy lit it and handed it to Angelo. “Thanks hot stuff… See ya around~” Angelo gave a wink before strutting down the alley. 

Angelo flipped through the cash he’d gotten. Good, his tips for the night would be just enough for him and Cherri to pay their rent. He looked up as snow began to fall. Angelo couldn’t help the sigh that passed his lips. The winter always made him think of what happened all those years ago. 

The day after Alastor left, New York was hit with a major blizzard. Angelo hadn’t been careful enough hiding a love bite Al had left him with, so his father beat him and threw him into the storm. Locking all the doors. He made his way over to his friend Cherri’s house after that. She fixed him up and helped him recover from the black eye, busted lip, missing tooth, shoulder that had been pulled out of socket, and fractured shin. He had laughed when she offered to go personally launch a firework in Henroin’s face. 

A week into sleeping at Cherri’s house, and his father had shown up. Telling him he was needed to return to work as long as he had gotten over his ‘illness’. Angelo held Cherri back and told her he would handle it, right before spitting in his father’s face. This caused a brawl that got the police called. Henroin served a week in jail before being bailed out. 

 This had given Angelo just enough time to go and pack all his belongings. Cherri had agreed to take him in. She was Aurick’s age and had her own place. Angelo was technically of age according to the state so none of that really mattered. What mattered was that Angelo would be gone before his father came home. Before he left, he asked Molly to let Alastor know what happened. He gave Molly Cherri’s house number so that he could call him there. 

That call never came. Angelo would sit and ‘do his homework’ next to that phone every night. Too many nights, Angelo fell asleep next to that phone. At school, Angelo would hunt down Aurick and Molly and ask if they had heard anything. Alastor never called them. No letters, no calls. Nothing. Hell, even a telegram would have been nice. 

Angelo did everything to at least try to graduate, but when graduation came and he was told he needed to retake a year because he didn’t have enough ‘credits’ he dropped out. He still held hope that Al would keep his promise and return. Angelo would go and live with him, He would work the butcher shop while Alastor either went to university or found a job he really wanted. Angelo would support him and they would just have a simple happy life. 

After another year went by, Cherri brought up the subject of needing help with rent. Her parents retired and moved cross country so they wouldn’t be helping her anymore.  Angelo tried to find a job, but six months in, he learned that no one wanted to hire one of the Ragni boys. Aurick offered Angelo to return. The money would be good and Angelo wouldn’t have to move home. Aurick would be the only person he had to deal with. He accepted, under the agreement that his father not know and they split the cash evenly. Aurick said he was just happy to know his little bro wasn’t on the streets. As a show of appreciation, Cherri used the extra income and savings, to sneak Angelo into clubs with her. 

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