Chapter 8

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Alastor hadn’t slept at all. The whole night being spent standing by the phone in shock. Staying there long after Molly had said she was going to bed to try and sleep away this horrible nightmare. He was still there even longer after the dial tone had started playing. He wanted it all to be a lie, wanted to wake tomorrow and find his sweet Angel sleeping peacefully by his side, but the sun rose and shone its bright light through the kitchen window, Alastor knew his Angel was gone. 

Alastor made his way to his room after ripping the phone from the wall. He showered and dressed himself in silence. A small smile in place as he tried to not think about what he was getting ready for. Alastor had promised the night before that he would pick Molly up for coffee before they went to the hospital. They were going to visit Aurick, and to identify Angel’s corpse. Aurick was still under suicide watch,not allowed to even use the bathroom without observation, and Henroin had refused to go near Angel’s body. Remains, carcass, corpse, body, cadaver. All words that Alastor had never minded until today. 

Molly was all set and ready to go by the time Alastor made it to her apartment. Greeting each other then remaining silent as Alastor drove them over to the nearest cafe. Both just sitting at their table holding their cups quietly. Neither were really ready to go to the hospital yet, and neither really wanting to talk just yet. The sooner that they went ahead to the hospital, the sooner they could get everything over with. There would just be more silence than usual in both their lives. 

“He-...” Molly started, but choked on her voice. “He uhm… They said it was…” Alastor reached over to hold one of Molly’s hands, making her look up to him. She had never really seen him without a smile before. Not in all of the time that she had spent with him growing up. Then again, Molly had always seen him with Angel. 

“He didn’t kill himself… Not by choice at least. Angel was messed up, sure, but he was happy enough with his life. He was...we were going to,” Alastor pulled his hand back with a sigh and brought both hands to his face. “I was going to bring up engagement… We had talked before but, I wanted to talk seriously with him.” Molly stood and came around to hug Alastor. 

“I agree with you Alastor...I really do, but we don’t have the right info to prove anything yet. We have to talk to Aurick, if he’s willing.” Molly smiled as she felt Alastor nod in her arms. He took a deep breath and lifted his cup to sip his coffee.

A few moments later, they left for the hospital. There was a burden Alastor had kept to himself. He sighed as he remembered a promise he had made to Angel many years ago. They had been in bed for most of the day. Snowed in by a freak nor'easter. Angel snuggled up to Alastor while the latter brushed a free hand through the blonde’s hair. Angel had been reading Alastor’s book from his spot. He kept reaching his hand up and stopping Al from flipping the page until he had caught up. 

“Hey Al?” Angel asked after nuzzling under Alastor’s chin. Making it impossible to read the book. 

“Yes Angel?” Alastor huffed with a smile and put the book down on his night stand. 

“Can I ask you something? It’s kinda really weird…” Alastor looked down and raised a brow as Angel sat up to look Al in the eyes before continuing. “Okay so… I know now that you eat people.” Alastor nodded and sat up as well, leaning against the headboard to his small bed. 

“Okay so, hear me out, I want you to promise me something.” Angel held out his pinky finger and bit his lip. “If I die before you,” he paused. “Let’s face it, I most likely will die before you.” 

“Angel-” Angel silenced Alastor with a glare. 

“Don’t Angel me, you know it’s true… Anyway, when I die, I want you to promise to eat at least a small piece of me.” Angel held out his pinky for a promise. Alastor just stared at him like he had spawned an extra head or a few extra limbs. He shifted and leaned closer to Angel. 

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