02 - Unknown

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"I can't help you if you are not telling me anything"


It is another day being home late. He stay up at the study room in his campus late doing his assignments. About 11.30 p.m. he got a phone call from his mother. Of course his mother is worried about him, her treasure.

"When are you coming home?" she says over the phone.

"It just 8-" he stops he sees the wrist watch he is wearing stated it is 11.30 p.m. "oh, I didn't realise it, sorry mother"

"At what time will you be back here? I cooked your favourite food" she says.

"I will be on my way, you didn't need to wait for me" Jin replies.

After a few more sentences they exchange, finally the phone call was cut. Jin sigh, as much as his mother worried about him, he is also worried about his mother being home alone at night. At the beginning of the semester, Jin already planned to come home as late as 9 p.m. but somehow he still come home late.

After gathering his books, laptop and all, he walks outside of the study room with his phone. Things were alright until he lands on his butt with an 'ow' coming out of his mouth and his phone is at somewhere else.

"Are you blind? Look ahead when you are walking" the person says.

"Geez, who would have thought that there is someone else here" Jin says in his mind while brushing off the dust from his pants and stands up eyeing the person.

Taehyung. As Jin is the frequent visitor at the study room, he could say that he knows every person who spends time the longest there. One of them is Jihyun, his senior. Jin is honestly surprise when he saw Taehyung there at night, he can says, since he was in his first year there, he never see Taehyung at the study room.

"I'm sorry, I was carried away with my phone" Jin replies to him.

And Taehyung left without saying anything. Well at least he did not get into a fight with the person he clearly knows is not fond with himself.

"Oh come on, it's barely three months since I got this phone and now it cracks" Jin says alone while picking up his phone from the ground.

"Well at least I didn't fell at the stairs and break my leg and bleed myself" Jin says again in his bitter tone alone.

So, by that, Jin went home with the bus. The thing is, since his neighbourhood is in the smaller part of the area, the bus couldn't go there. The nearest bus stop to his house is one kilometre away. Pretty far by foot. Take it as a work out. As a health science student, Jin hardly have free time to do some work out, so walking to his house from the bus stop actually is not bad. A daily exercise for him.

The things is, on his way home, there is a forest at the sideway which Jin multiple times notice something weird there. If his mother knew about this, she sure would not be fond by this. So today, on his way home, he hears something again. Shivers down to his bone.

"Ignore it" Jin says in his mind multiple times as he walks further and further.

But to Jin's liking, the noise sounds weird. Too weird. It was like something lr someone was hurt and in pain. There is no way Jin will walk to the forest searching for the sound. There is no way. Jin himself is scared so there is no way he will do that. And that is the opposite thing he did. Dumb and stupid.

Being kind he is, with fears wrapping every corner of his body, he braves himself and walks to the sound of the noise.

"Hoseok?" Jin says in panic when he saw the man.

"Hey, are you alright? Hoseok-"

"Look at me. Where is the pain? Show me" Jin says as he struggles to keep Hoseok focusing on him.

"I can't help you if you are not telling me anything" Jin says again while inspecting any injury on the latter.

As Hoseok is not focusing on him, he works on finding the injury by gently touch Hoseok's leg. Hoseok did not give him any reaction when he touched his arm, stomach and ribcage which is a good sign. If he reacted to the pain in his ribcage, he probably has broke his ribcage. So when he touch Hoseok's leg, he reacted. With his cell phone, Jin turns on his flash light.

Sprained ankle and an open wound. Quickly Jin set his bag down and fishes out a small cloth and a small first aid kit. Being a health science student, Jin always carry those two things in his bag. With the cloth, Jin tied it around the wound before working on bandaging the sprained ankle.

"Where are you living at? I can take you there" Jin says while he kneels down, waiting for Hoseok to climb onto his back.

"I c-cant" Hoseok replies, tone clearly in fear for something.

Jin thinks for a moment.

"Then, I'm going to take you to my house. Is that alright?" Jin asks.

Hoseok hums as Jin walks. As the walk is too quiet, the conversation start.

"I'm not going to ask what you did in the forest but the first thing I want you to do when the morning approach, you should go to the doctor" Jin says.

Hoseok hums but the humming sound, sounding tired. Well, probably Hoseok is on his way to his dreamland. So Jin continue walking with Hoseok on his back in silence. When they are home, his mother is already off to sleep, so Jin gently lay Hoseok on the bed in the guest room, taking out the first aid kit again before working on the wound.

To Jin's surprise, Hoseok did not wake up at all when the antiseptic came in contact with the wound. So after Jin completed his part, he went down the stairs, straight to the kitchen and eat the mouth watering food that his mother cooked for him.

After that, he takes a warm shower, cleaning himself before he too, off to sleep. When he woke up the next morning, Hoseok was already gone. A small note was left on the table beside the bed, stated thank you and sorry. Hoseok's note.


It turn out that the six best friends are younger that Jin despite some of them are in the same class as him. Well Jin himself is not surprise by that fact since he clearly aware of the fact that he did entered the university late than his peers due to some circumstances. University is never about the age, it is about passion and commitment.

Two days. Two days after the night Jin found Hoseok in the forest, Jin is approach by Jungkook while he is on his way to his lecturer's room, wanting to submit his assignment. When Jin is there at the lecturer's room, Jin meets Jungkook there, doing the same thing as him. Submitting the assignment. Since Jungkook is there before him, of course he left the room first while Jin stayed there for a few moments.

When he walks out from the room, he was grabbed by Jungkook to somewhere quite and far from the crowds.

"Stay away from us. Stay away from my friends" Jungkook says to Jin, in his sharp voice. It is threatening.


Jin swears. Jin swears he saw the glowing red eyes. Jungkook's glowing red eyes. It was short but Jin certainly saw it. Maybe he is dreaming? Maybe he is imagining things. Maybe.

"What-" Jin tries to say but before he could finish his sentence, Jungkook is already out of the way.

What's up with him and Taehyung? Both have the same personality, leaving people hang behind. Tsk, they must be bad in mood or maybe they are in rush to do something.

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