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"KID! YOU READY TO LOAD UP!" The yard manager yelled from down the rows of stales at the riding academy. I sighed as I finished strapping the last boot onto my over-priced-moody-arsed-sassy-as-anything Akhal-Teke; Spirit. I know right...ironic name. I couldn't be asked with spending days or weeks waiting for a name to pop into my head. But hey, Spirit works as he's such an asshole.

"Yep! Just bringing him out now to be loaded up!" I responded. I stood up and looked at the horse that had broken my bones, trodden on me, crushed me and reared up on top of me as I shook my head. Problems with 5 year old horses I could deal with easily. Problems with 5 year old stubborn-ass-bone-breaking Spirit was a challenge I sometimes regret ever accepting.

Untying the lead rope from the bailing twine in his stall where he was tied up, Spirit decided to be Spirit and pranced and pulled and half reared the WHOLE WAY to the horsebox. I was so glad I had a dually halter on him otherwise there'd be a loose horse on the yard. Several times he tried pulling away and several times I somehow managed to keep a hold of the lead rope before I was able to walk him up the ramp and shut him securely in the horsebox with a wet haynet so he could keep hydrated and hunger-free.

However despite being a brat and having constant temper-tantrums...Spirit knew when I was feeling at my lowest and when I was hurting the most. He could read me just as well as I could read him. And I knew that he knew when I just wanted some company. When all I wanted was a companion to hug and cry to. Spirit was that companion.


Roughly 6 and a half hours had passed since leaving the academy. Ah yes...I never told you the reason for me and Spirit leaving did I? Well the truth is...we didn't leave. We got kicked out. Spirit had injured and hospitalised fifteen members of staff in a week, including the two vets. They said that if I didn't agree to have Spirit sent off for severe retraining then he'd either have to be euthanised or we leave the academy for good. I would never give up on Spirit. So I gave up my place willingly. I'd do anything for Spirit.

I watched out of the window as we headed towards our new home; Bright Fields Stables. It was a small and quiet yard but the best thing sister and annoying little brother Becky and Ben were there with their pony, Bob. Becky and Ben were petrified of Spirit. And sometimes I couldn't blame them. I just hoped that there wasn't a huge welcoming committee when we arrived.

As the horsebox stopped in the yard, my fears were confirmed. The whole yard was watching. Great. Now what would I do if Spirit freaked out and reared up like he always does when coming off of the horsebox?

"I'd keep everyone back Sam. My sisters horse is insane. Worse than Raven. I guarantee you he'll rear up so high. He's huge too. You'll need the biggest stable!" Becky rambled on.

"Ok. Everyone. Let's just air on the side of caution and move back!" The woman said. Oh goes nothing.

I opened the ramp to the horsebox and untied Spirit. He was pawing the ground so hard with both his front feet and he was snorting, chaffing and pinning his ears. Why the hell did I choose psycho boy from the kill pen? Well, he was pretty. And lured me in with puppy eyes and sweet kisses and the sad face. Little prick. Aaaand just like I predicted, Spirit dragged me down the ramp, spun round and reared up, striking out as hard and as far as he could with those powerful front legs. And having an 18.2 hand horse weighing nearly 1300 pounds rear up on its hind legs is heart-stopping.

I yanked firmly but not harshly on the schooling ring of the dually halter, reminding him that I was still attached to him and he actually listened for once, sticking with shuffling around and throwing his head all over the place and trying to bite and kick me with his front legs.

"Um...follow me and Marcus....We'll show you where the stable is and then we'll sort everything out." The brown haired woman said with fear etched into her voice. I nodded and walked on my asshole of a horse as he cantered on the spot, snorting and fretting with every step. I just wanted a break. A decent break with no drama, no fighting Spirit and no accidents. However the stable was a huge 12 by 12 foot stable. The same size a mare would have to share with her baby.

"Okay then. I'll leave you to get settled and then Marcus will bring you over to the office and we can sort out his passport and paperwork." The woman said. I nodded and then led Spirit into the stable, tying him up and then beginning to remove his traveling stuff.

"He's stunning. And also very...big." The guy I presumed was Marcus said.

"Thanks. I got him two years ago from a kill pen and then backed and trained him myself. He was perfect. But then about a year ago, he was stolen by horse thieves. I got him back three months later but he was different. He was wild, uncontrollable. We got kicked out of Wildwood Academy. I don't know what happened to him but he's so different. The vets have said its nothing physical but-OW! Cut it out!" I got cut off by Spirit kicking me in the hip and knocking me to the floor as I took his last travel boot off. Marcus rushed in despite my problematic horse and helped me to my feet.

"Are you alright. That was a swift and naughty kick he gave you." Marcus said with concern as I balanced myself. I hobbled round to Spirit's head and removed his lead rope but left his headcollar on.

"Yeah. It's normal. He just needs a good long run to remember how to be a horse again." I sighed, patting my crazy horse and then walking to the office with Marcus. All I will say......


Is HELLA good looking

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