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I managed to get everything sorted with Spirit's boarding fees and about keeping the staff safe. It was agreed that no staff were to deal with Spirit. Even if it was something as simple as tying up a haynet or dropping a feed bucket over the door. It would only be until I could sort out his problem and help him get over these problems he has.

I'd still exercise him today, not letting our routine fall out of place. He's one of these horses that NEEDS to be kept in a routine otherwise he'd get worse and worse. So I sorted out my tack and headed over to psycho Spirit's stable. Becky was there, looking over his door and sighed.

"You okay Becks?" I asked, hugging her.

"Yeah. I.....I just hope that Spirit can be helped. I mean....Look at him." She said with genuine sadness. I looked at Spirit who was half rearing and box walking in his stable. He's just going through a phase. Once he's jumping, he's a completely different horse.

"Hey baby. It's okay..." I said softly as I entered his stable. He walked forwards and let me tie him up so I could tack him up for a little jumping session. But something out the corner of my eye caught my attention.

Leading a BEAUTIFUL black Andalusian stallion was the cutest and most attractive guy I had EVER laid eyes on. He was roughly 6'1 with yellow blonde hair, and a muscular build but also fairly slim. His forget-me-not blue eyes pierced the dull weather and sparkled in the non-existent sunlight. He looked over at me and I quickly shook my head and went back to buckling up Spirit's bridle before strapping his jumping boots onto his legs and pulling on my riding hat.

Leading Spirit out of his stable, I knew....I just KNEW he'd be a little brat about walking past the black stallion and low and behold, as we walked past, he spun round me and squealed like a mare, arching his neck and striking the ground hard with his forelegs.

"Spirit! Enough!" I said, giving a firm but not harsh tug on his reins, putting him back into his place.

"You alright?" I heard a voice behind me. I looked up to see the blonde from a few seconds ago.

" Uh....thanks." I stuttered before quickly turning Spirit around and walking to the arena.

I got into the arena and halted Spirit, closing the gate behind me and then pulling down my stirrups. Spirit nickered quietly and tossed his head as I tightened his girth. I honestly can say that those eyes were still piercing right into me. They were all I could see and think about.

Once on board of my psycho horse's back, I began to warm him up in the walk, trot and canter before he begun his usual antics of not listening, bucking, rearing and spooking at nothing. Get an Akhal-Teke' they said. 'It'll be fun' they said. Fun for who? Me or the horse? Meh...I suppose he's not all bad. He just has these weird little phases sometimes. He'll snap out of it eventually.

A Bond Built on Trustحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن