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As I put Spirit over the various jumps, I felt eyes watching me. It was kinda uncomfortable as I was really self conscious when it came to my riding and how well I controlled the horse.

Looking over, I saw it was the blonde from earlier. He watched me with a curious gaze as I turned Spirit towards a 1.05 meter spread jump and cleared it. After slowing back down to a walk, I halted Spirit by the blonde and smiled.

"I'm sorry about earlier. He's not been the same since I got him back." I said sadly.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Spirit was stolen by horse thieves and when he was returned, he was completely insane. It's taken me this long just to be able to get on him again." I sighed, dismounting and running up my stirrups.

"That's a shame. He's such a beautiful horse. Is he a Thoroughbred?" The guy asked.

"No. He's an Akhal-Teke." I smiled.

"Never heard of one before. But he is beautiful." The guy said with genuine honesty.

"Thanks. Your Andalusian is really pretty. What his or her name?" I asked, remembering the beautiful black horse.

"He's a stallion. His name is Zorro." The guy smiled back.

"That's a cool name. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm so sorry. My names Chelsea." I said, holding my hand out for him to shake.

"Cool name. I'm Kye." He replied.

"Well Kye it's nice to meet you. But I have to get Spirit into the field without breaking any bones. I'll see you around!" I said with enthusiasm.

"Sounds good. See you around Chels!" He said, giving me a nickname already and opening the arena gate. I walked Spirit out and sighed happily to myself. If only I thought.

I put Spirit away and untacked him, putting my tack away in the tack room before going towards Spirit again and slipping into his stable. I sat against the back wall and pulled out my phone, messaging my parents to see when they were getting me from the yard. Spirit walked over and plopped himself down, laying his head in my lap.

"Chels! Chels! Where are you?" I heard Becky shout. She popped her head over the stable door and I could see her heart melt in her eyes.

"You wanna come in. When he's like this he's the sweetest horse ever. Trust me." I said as she nervously came into the stable. Spirit let out a sigh and closed his eyes, licking his lips. Becky approached carefully and once next to me, she ran her hand across Spirits neck.

"Oh my Bob. He is a different horse when he's chilled out." She expressed.

"He's such a misunderstood horse. He just needs time is all." I said sadly, running my hand through his forelock.

"Do you want to come on a hack later on. It's me, Jade, Zoe, Mia, Pin, Susie, Marcus and Kye. You should totally come along. It might be really really good for Spirit." She said excitedly. I thought for a moment. Maybe it is what he needed. A good long hack.

"Sure. I'll probably ride bareback as he hates being saddled. But let me know when and I'll get ready."

"I'm going out for lunch to the Cafe with Zoe and Jade. You wanna come along?" Becky offered.

"I'm good thanks. I need to clean Spirits tack and sort out his rugs." I smiled.

"Okay. But the hack will defo be so much fun!" She said with excitement.

"Sounds like it will be." I replied. I then saw Kye poke his head over the door.

"There's a spare field for Spirit if you want to put him out for a bit." Kye said.

"Sure. That'd be nice." I smiled at him. I waited for him to walk away before sighing dreamily and smiling to myself. That's is until Spirit nudged me a bit harshly.

"Oh what do you want?" I said playfully and rubbed his forelock. He nipped gently at the halter and leadrope in my hand and then tossed his head.

"Alright bud. Let's go." I said to him kindly and put the headcollar on his head, tying him in his stable. He stood patiently until I had put some brushing boots on his front and back legs and then over reach boots on his front feet. To top it all off, I threw a fly rug over him and attached the neck to his headcollar so it didn't slip up his neck. Then, once satisfied he was kitted out for the field, I led him out the stable and over to the only empty field that had Spirits name nailed onto the gate. What I'd do for the rest of the day....I had no idea.

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