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I managed to occupy myself until the big hack date by helping Becky with Bob whilst Ben mucked out the stable and then run off to play with quad bikes. And I'd also been doing a lot of work from the ground with Spirit as well. Just getting him to trust me again.

"Hey Chels. Why don't you go and get Spirit ready for the hack." Sam called from across the yard.

"Okay. Sure." I said uncertainly. She creeped the hell out of me that woman did. All she did most of the time was watch how Spirit interacted with other horses and other people. He hadn't changed much. The only difference was that he had allowed Kye to put his feed over the door one morning and then tie up a haynet. Since then, Sam had been on at Kye to do that every morning. Don't get me wrong, I had no issues with Kye being around Spirit. I just didn't want Sam getting too friendly with my horse. Something didn't sit right with her.

I'd recently learnt that Kye worked a night job as a K-9 officer which was no surprise really. He looked like the type to run down a back alley or into a dark wood just to catch a bad guy. It was also a turn on because I'd seen him in his uniform a few times. And those few times I'd had to stop my legs from giving way. I wish I had a chance with him. But with Mia, Zoe and Susie....I had no chance. Although I had one advantage. I was 18 and they were 16 and 15. So I might get a shot. Mind you being a cop, he had rules to follow so I might have a chance. Unless he already had someone in his life.

I'd just finished tacking Spirit up for the hack in his jumping gear but the only difference was that he was wearing cross country jump boots instead of tendon and fetlock boots. He was certainly a handsome boy when he was tacked up. He looked too thin in the neck and shoulders without anything on bless him.

I led him out of the stable and saw Kye was just finishing putting the saddle on Zorro. He smiled at me and I smiled back. But I was in my own little world, imagining he'd walk over, hug me and press his soft lips to mine. Haha. Never in a million gazillion years would he choose someone like me. I was snapped from my thoughts by a hand coming under my chin gently and tilting my head up. Oh jeez there they were. Those hypnotising forget-me-not eyes with the fuzzy stubble and blonde hair floofed to the side. and the sexy jawline. And then I realised he was in his police uniform. Black combats, smart trainer boots, black t-shirt and the hi-vis vest that topped everything off.

"You okay Chels? You were just staring at nothing. You're really pale." He said.

"Um.....yeah. I err......just feeling really hot. I um......I'll be alright. Thanks....Kye." I stuttered. He gave me a smile as if he almost knew what he was doing to me. As if he was doing it on purpose. I turned away back towards Spirit and gathered up my reins ready to put my foot in the stirrup and mount up.

"Hey...Let me give you a hand..." I heard that smooth voice behind me say. I blushed deeply as Kye gave me a leg-up onto Spirit's back. He then walked off and got onto Zorro easily before Sam came over.

"Okay so I'll put you into pairs. Stick with your pair and don't get lost. So Marcus, you ride with Becky. Pin you ride with Jade. Suzie, you ride with Zoe, Chelsea, you ride with me and Mia you ride next to Kye." Sam smiled.

"Why do I have to ride next to you?" I asked as politely as I could.

"Because Spirit is a big horse and I don't want any accidents happening."

"Well I'm sorry. At the end of the day, I know my horse well enough to know that he isn't going to be stupid on the hack. He loves hacking out. He's never been silly before whilst out. And plus, Spirit doesn't like other mares or geldings." I said. No way was I riding next to her. She was up to something.

"Alright then. Chelsea, you ride up the back with Kye. Mia you can ride with me up front." Sam growled but masked it well. I shrugged and relaxed until we all set off and Spirit walked happily on a loose rein next to Kye and Zorro.


After a while of walking, Kye decided that it would be a great idea to make conversation with me. He could probably tell my defiance had a very good cause.

"So how come you didn't wanna go up front with Sam." He said.

"Something doesn't sit right with her. She's always watching Spirit, always trying to make friends with him and unpicking all the work I do with him. Every time she goes near's as if he's wild. Rearing up and striking out at her, trying to kick and bite her, charging at her from the field or in his stall. And yet with everyone else, he's so much calmer. I mean sure he pulls faces and all but never anything that extreme." I said, keeping my voice down.

"I've noticed it too. She was asking me if I'd turn him out so she could see if he'd made any progress with being handled by strangers. I simply turned round and told her that she'd have to contact you first because I know that you always turn him out when you arrive. She's up to something. I can tell." And if that was coming from Kye then I had more reasons to be wary of her...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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