Only the Good Die Young

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                                      Only the Good Die Young

It's amazing how one moment can change a life forever.


Abby looked at the camera and flashed her brilliant white teeth. She stroked the fur of her Bichon Frise puppy and turned her big, brown-eyed gaze to the reporter, who was sitting primly in the beige leather armchair beside her.

“You have the looks, you have the cash. What else do you want in life, Abby?” the TV reporter asked.

“Everything!” she replied.


“Abby Brown was discovered by a talent agency in her hometown of Little Rock, AR at her high school production of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. After her first major role, playing a city girl visiting her father on a country farm in the ABC special, Emma’s Vacation, and several Gap and JC Penny commercials, Abby was launched into stardom, having so much money, she doesn’t even know what to do with it,” the reporter explained.

“Well actually, I do know what to do with it. I put some in my sister’s bank account for college, gave myself a whole new wardrobe, and gave a thousand dollars to the ASPCA. I used some to pay for this house and the rest is in my savings account.” Abby revealed another one of her breath-taking smiles, dazzling the audience with her beautiful intensity.

After a few more questions, the television crew packed up and left Abby's house.

"You did really good, Abby. I look forward to doing more interviews with you in the future," the TV reporter said as she exited the building. She extended her hand and Abby took it, giving it a firm shake.

"Thank you, Virginia," Abby replied.

She went to her balcony window and whipped out her iPhone, calling her boyfriend, Todd Cunningham. The wind whispered through the trees and the night sky twinkled with a million tiny stars as she waited for his melodic voice to drift through the receiver. The faces of her many "number one" fans turned up towards her, awe-struck by how angelic she looked with the white light of the room glowing around her silhouette, her hair flying in the breeze, and the thin material of her summer dress caressing her pale skin.

Abby saw them gaping at her and waved, giving them her brilliant smile. She never had any privacy, but that hardly bothered her. She enjoyed the constant admiration stardom bestowed on her.

“Hello?” Todd said.

“Todd, let’s go out tonight. Celebrate our awesomeness,” Abby gushed. “Let’s go to Olive Garden!”

Todd said, “Sure. Meet you there,” and hung up.

Abby took a final glance at the beautiful scenery spread out around her. Lights around the city slowly began to illuminate and spark on, and bodies swarmed the streets in shorts and flip-flops. Excitement bubbled up inside of her at the thought of joining the night life.

She rushed inside and bolted to her bathroom. The hot water burned her skin as she scrubbed herself clean and when she was dry, her brush traveled through her shiny, dark chocolate colored hair in smooth, quick motions. The cute black dress and high heeled black boots she chose made her look sexy and mature. Adding blush to her ivory complexion would have completed the look, but she decided against it; Todd liked the all natural look anyways. When Abby was set, purse and camera in hand, she went outside and strolled the short distance to Olive Garden, since it was just around the corner from her grand, old Gothic style house in the center of L.A.

Under the cape of night, she was just another pretty girl. She was normal. Everyone, including she, needed normal once in a while.

Abby was almost there: she could see the light-up grapes and her boyfriend waiting by the entrance.

Her boots clacked faster on the sidewalk as she sped up. She wanted to be in Todd's strong arms and to breathe in his cologne. She wanted to look into those intense grey-blue eyes and run her hands through his dirty blond hair.

She desperately wanted to hear him say those four simple words again: "I'll love you . . . forever."

Her palms began to sweat and her heart pounded in her chest. He wasn't looking in her direction but she could see him perfectly. Her excitement from earlier dissolved into timid-ness. She hadn't felt that nervous since she auditioned for the part of Emma in Emma's Vacation.

“Miss?” a rough, dry voice said and her view of the Olive Garden -- and Todd -- suddenly disappeared, blocked by an obese figure.

“Yes?” Abby tore her eyes away from the direction of Todd and mustered one of her brilliant smiles for the man. He must have recognised her among the mass of teens. She patiently waited for him to say something.

Instead, the man just glared down at her.

Those eyes, they look so familiar, Abby thought.

She stared up at the man. She wasn't afraid but nerves fluttered in her stomach anyways, a mix of anticipation for Todd and something darker for the strange man. Something about those crazed, bright green eyes made her edgy.

She froze. Manic, bright green eyes. She's only met one person whose eyes matched that exact description. Realization flooded over her and she took a wary step back.

The man was an old bodyguard she had fired several months ago. Back then, the protector, Lance, had a tall lean build with short auburn hair and bright green eyes. Abby had fired him because twice– twice – he had neglected his duties, and as a result, she had been mobbed by her fans while exiting Dairy Queen. Now she couldn't even think about her favorite fast food joint without a devoted (or obsessed) fan throwing himself at her. Abby brushed a stray lock of hair away from her face so that she could get a better look at her ex-bodyguard, all thoughts about the boy she loved disappearing. Now Lance had graying hair and had gained a lot of weight. He stepped closer to her.

He looks terrible, Abby thought. Despite herself, and the situation, remorse clawed at her heart and she released the tin of pepper spray she was about to pull out of her purse. He didn't deserve the pain she was about to inflict. Lance was a good man. Albeit, a little lazy and crazy looking, but good all the same.

Suddenly, a small gun was pointed in her direction. Abby realized too late what it probably meant.


“Eighteen year old Abby Brown was found dead this morning in a dumpster hidden in a back alley near Olive Garden. She received four bullets aimed directly at her heart. Police are investigating the crime, the murder of TV’s new star, Abby Brown,” the reporter, the same reporter from Abby’s interview the day before, said sadly to the camera.


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