Save Me! [Part 4]

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Seven months later . . . My Birthday!

I tossed the volleyball above my head and hit it hard over the net. During the past few months, I'd finally found something that I was good at. Volleyball! I've been doing tons of shaping up lately. I wanted Zane to be proud of me when he watched from Paradise. I had brought my average grades or failing grades up to B's and I still haven't been to the Principal's office yet this year which is a real accomplishment for me. I opted the yo-yo technique too. I haven't seen any improvements in my temper, but everyone else says I'm doing loads better (I don't even think I have a temper problem to begin with).

I guess that's just a brain thing, tricking itself into thinking that the yo-yo technique is actually distracting me from the thing that ticked me off in the first place.

Turner and I are getting along now and he doesn't go rummaging through my things anymore. And people are starting to accept me. I have three friends in the popular group (cheerleaders and jocks) and a musical friend named Juliet Parker. She's in the process of introducing me to the other students in the musician clique.

"I got it!" Heather squealed. She dove for the ball and it sailed past her. "Gosh dang!" she murmured, dropping her face into the sand in failure. Heather has changed too. She is now the cheer caption at our school and is spending more time putting in volunteer hours for her college transcript. Even though Brooke could easily get accepted into an Ivy League school, Heather and I were working hard just to get into the local college. But we liked living close to the water anyways.

Brooke watched from the table where all my presents were stacked. She found amusement in our two-person game of volleyball. "Keep it up, Heather. You're doing amazing." We've made up if you were wondering. She's tried to change too. Her only change so far was breaking up with Ham.

Mom brought out the cake and set it on the other table. My friends and I gathered around the table as she lit the candles. "Make a wish and blow it out," she instructed. I closed my eyes and wished for the one thing I've wanted for months. I blew out the candles and Brooke's camera flashed in my face. Mom cut the cake and everyone crowded around her, making her and me very claustrophobic.

"Cake!" Heather cheered, reaching out for the slice in my mother's hand. I escaped from the crowd (okay, maybe not a crowd considering that it was only ten people) and deserted the beach. They were acting like animals, ripping and clawing for some sugar, but I found it funny. But it was also a little overwhelming. I walked around town slowly, ignoring the fact that I had just ditched my own birthday party. I went to a craft store and a pottery store and bought a cute clay vase decorated with painted dolphins before I saw him.

"Zane!" I exclaimed. The pot flew out of my hands and I scrambled to catch it.

"Happy birthday, Raizel," he said with a cute cock of his head. He looked different. He was even taller than I recalled and his dark hair fell lazily over his eyes, giving him a laid-back look. It looked good on him. He handed me an object wrapped in pink wrapping paper. I hastily opened it and inside was the most beautiful pot I've ever seen. "I know you like pottery so I thought you would like it. Do you like it?"

"Yes, this is the prettiest pot ever. I'll love it always. Thank you," I said with a little gasped. He engulfed me in a hug. I hugged him back.

This was exactly what I wanted. Not the pot, but him. The pot was just a very sweet add-on.

In the words of Heather, I was a very lucky ducky.



Tell me how you liked the ending. Did you like the overall story? Votes and comments much appreciated! :D

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