⌗ 13

650 27 2

Wee-one: Everyone!!!

Wee-one: I have an announcement to make

Leeno: You're finally changing
your style?

Seungseung: You're gonna
remove the cactus from our
school garden?

Wee-one: No & no

Wee-one: I found an apartment!!!

Freckles: Noooo

ur gonna leave :(((

Wee-one: I'm sorry
just know that I love you

Wee-one: & I'll come visit a lot

Wee-one: You can come
to my apartment too!

Freckles: I'll try to come
over as often as I can...I'll
miss you

BangChan: we're all happy
you found a place to stay

Binnie: if you need any help,
you can ask us!

Leeno: Since you made an
announcement, I'm going
to say something too

Leeno: Felix likes you

Wee-one: well i mean
i like him too :)

Wee-one: he's one of my
favourite ppl

Seungseung: He means
romantically not platonically??
Idk if that's a word but u
get what i mean

Hyunjinnie: In conclusion,
don't share your secrets
with Minho or Seungmin

Wee-one: wait they actually mean it???

Wee-one: I thought you all
were pranking me or smth😃


Wee-one: Lix do you actually
really like me??

Wee-one: or is this a prank??m

Wee-one: bc if it is


Freckles: I guess I should
have told u


"I really like you Harin!" The girl heard Felix's voice from the other room, then soon he made his way to the living room, where Harin was staying.

"I like you too Lix!" The girl said, they pulled each other in a tight hug before falling on the sofa and talking like a couple that had beeb dating for years. They were finally each others now.

So they're together now! I hope you liked the chapter, vote, comment & most importantly have a great day! Ilya!!
Word count: 305

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