chapter 2

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elena pov

"i need a bowl and a knife"bonnie said and rebekah flashed away and i got another flash i was at the waterfall it looked like what would be a wedding my wedding i seen all the originals esther and a girl who looked just like me tatia where did i get that name from there was a guy standing next to esther i know him mikael i was marrying the love of my life kol

"memories they weren't flashes they were memories"i said

"memories how"caroline asked

"ok i need everyone hand in this order elena kol rebekah klaus elijah finn"bonnie said and i handed her my hand she made a cut and some od my blood went into the the bowl and she repeated this proccess with the others then she started chanting when she was done the blood disapeared then my head started hurting really bad it felt like it was gonna explode

"make it stop make it stop it hurts"i yelled holding my head all my memories came back

"lijah go grab a blood bag"rebekah said and he flashed out and back in with a blood bag he handed it to me i drunk it then vamped up to esther and pinned her against the wall

"elena what are you doing"caroline asked

"you wouldn't kill me"esther said

"your scared i know you are you were mad the witches let me keep my magic so you spelled me i was on the other side until they finally could bring me back just as a human"i said

"you don't deserve your magic"she said

"guess what i'm still stronger than you always have been always will be"i said

"what are you gonna do spell me you wouldn't do it"she said

"how about i make it easier i could always lock you in that casket again sooner or later we could destroy the other side then you wouldn't be able to come back you'll be stuck"i said

"elena since when are you a vampire"bonnie said i ignored her the only thing i was worried about at this momment was getting my revenge

"you'll kill me really then do it"esther said

"why aren't y'all stopping her"bonnie asked

"elena's a witch we learned years ago never to tempt her anger nothing comes between her and her revenge you should see what she did to her sister"bex said

"you do realize i was a distant relative of ayanna meaning i am more powerful any last words"i asked

"how about i dagger you"finn said i threw him against the wall and kol went and snapped his neck i turned her around and held her neck till she went unconcious then let her drop

"is she dead"bonnie asked

"no just unconcious for now"i said

"hey don't forget about us"bex said

"impossible"i said and went and gave all them a hug

"please explain"bonnie said

"wait 1 sec"i said and i used a spell and put me in jeans and a t-shirt"i hate dresses i hated wearing them this century sure does have its perks"i said

Flashes- KolenaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora