chapter 4

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"Hello how may i help you"ms.preston the secretery asked

"We want to enroll these two"i said

"Well we need there records"she said

"Check i assure you there are their"caroline said compelling her

"Oh i see it"she said

"They need the same schedule as elena and I"caroline said

"Alright just let me print your schedule it looks like you four have the same schedule"she said she printed them then gave them locker assignment i used my magic and got the book bags with everything they need people kept staring probaly because i have a leather jacket on i could careless afterwords we headed to our first class with alaric we walked in and everyone was starring

"We have two new students evie and logan mikaelson"i said

"Mikaelson"everyone said

"Elena what is going on"alaric asked

"I'll explain later"i said we took our seats and went on with the class when the bell rang i stayed after class rebekah walked with them to their next class

"Who are they"he asked

"Long story vampires not originals might be a bad time to mention i'm an original and from the time when the originals were born"i said

"What do you mean when they were born"he asked

"Yeah i'm from their my sister was tatia the original doppelganger i met ayanna bonnie's ancestor i'm married to an original and jason and evie are mine"i said

"But you were born this year"he said

"I have magic and i kept mine when i was turned to an original so esther decided she want to send me away and i just now coming back bonnie had to do a spell to give me my memories and powers back i was getting flashes after the sacrafice"i said

"That explains why they look so much like you"he said

"Yeah so don't tell anyone else only other ones that know are caroline and bonnie"i said

"Stefan and damon are gonna freak"he said

"Then they can freak"i said shrugging my shoulders i don't really care how they act or react its my life not theirs

"Can i see the ring"he asked and i showed him"So which original"he added

"You don't know him he's been in and out of a casket for the last 1000 years"i said

"Cause you were gone"he asked

"Yeah they said he waited till evie and jason were 17 to turn if off i'm surprised he made it that long"i said

"So your an original vampire"he asked

"No i'm an original hybrid witch vampire i was a siphoner"i said

"Siphoner"he asked

"Explain later can you right me a note to study hall"i asked he wrote a note for me and i went to my next class we could work or talk it didn't really matter

"Why are you escorting two mikaelsons"stefan asked when i walked in

"Why are you in my business"i said then walked by evie and them

"Its not so bad"evie said

"Give it a week"i said

"What is going on"tyler asked

"Why is everyone so nosey"i asked

"Hey hey i was just asking a question"he said

"I'm tired of everyone and their questions and the starring"i said

"It might be best to leave her alone unless you don't want to be passed out on the floor"bex said and he walked out

"I think your scaring them"logan said

"I wear a leather jacket and do my hair a different way and suddenly its is there something wrong"i said

"Yeah but technically they have probaly noticed the change like you walked in not caring saying we have new students who look like you and their last name is mikaelson its not wrong of them to question if i didn't know i'd have a lot of questions too"bonnie said we went on with the rest of the day a lot of more people starring at the end of the day we all headed outside and stefan damon tyler and jer was sitting at a table

"There waiting on me aren't they"i asked

"Jer hates them obviously he's worried"caroline said

"Then lets go over and make an appearence bekah go to the car will be over in a minute"i said she nodded and went to the car while we went to where the guys were sitting

"Whats with the leather jacket"tyler asked

"Aww you think you scare me"i said

"Why are you acting like katherine"stefan said i made sure no one was looking then i vamped to him and grabbed him in a choke hold and threw him to the ground

"Lets get one thing straight katherine likes acting like me except i'm nicer"i said

"Who are you"jer asked

"Elena katerina mikaelson born petrova but i'm not explaining now i have to go get a new wardrobe and maybe kill my brother for letting me dress like im nice i'm not nice"i said

"What are you talking about"jer asked

"I'm going shopping i'll text you a meet place maybe evie logan go with bonnie to the car"i said they nodded and left

"Who are they"damon asked

"Why are you here y'all come to give me an intervention"i ask

"They look like you who are they"jer asked

"Who else do they look like you would have met him yesterday just think of that"i said

"Why are you acting like a bitch"tyler asked i used my magic and threw him against a tree"What the hell who did that"he asked

"I don't like that bitch word come on care"i said and we went back to our cars

We went to the malls and i brought some clothes more my style cute and edgy and a few different color leather jackets evie and logan got them a wardrobe we payed for everything and headed back home

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