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"Can someone please shut off the freaking alarm?"



"Blaire! Oh my God, you're awake."


"Do you know where you are? Shit. Your machines are getting louder, I'll go get the nurses."

"No, Jake, wait, they're fine."


"My machines are just louder because I'm moving around. The nurses will be in any second just stay here."

"God, Blaire, I was so worried about you."

"What? Why? How long have I been out?"


*Knock *Knock

"Ms. Andrews, welcome back to consciousness."

"Hi Dr. Maelstrom. How did my surgery go?"

"It went well Blaire. All according to plan. If you continue to heal you could very well be discharged by the end of the month."

"Really?! That's amazing! Thank you!"

"I believe your parents are grabbing something from the cafeteria. I plan to meet them there with the news. In the meantime please try to stay still, you still have quite a bit of resting before you're allowed out."

"Yes sir."


"How long have you been here, Jake? You look awful."

"Wow, thanks Lassie."

"Sorry, blame my pain medicine for the bluntness. Seriously, how long?"

"...Just a few days."

"Days?! What day is it?!"


"Christ, Jake. You need to go home! Your parents are gonna kill you. And what about basketball?"

"They understand. Everyone understands. I had to be here, Blaire. If I left, I would've spent every waking second wondering if you were okay."

"Well that's just silly Jake. I promised not to break your heart, remember? And I keep my promises."

"God, I love you."

"The feelings mutual."

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