Non-blood Siblings

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A gentle touch, almost a tickle on her neck. 

It repeated over and over as it woke her up slowly, gradually. 

Nevra Wightwhisper's unnaturally bright violet eyes met the light of day briefly before a sigh escaped her lips. Her pair of amethyst hues glanced back at the man silently asleep next to her, the cause of her awakening, and her now growing exasperation. She was about to waken him the way she usually did, by pushing him off of her bed, but the dark circles underneath his eyes stopped her. Damn it, Leanther. Her gaze softened for a split second as she got a good look at her adoptive older brother. 

They shared the exact same shade of platinum hair and pale skin, despite not being related by blood. Well, not in the human sense anyways. Even in his sleep, one could tell that his dark eyelashes were thicker than hers despite her gender. (She had told him it made her jealous, several times, but it didn't really do much other than boost his ego.) His skin was clean and his lips were just a bit thinner than hers, despite the fact that he seemed to use them more than her. 

"Staring is unbecoming of a lady, sister,"  the owner of these features murmured. 

The words came out lower and crisper than what she was used to hearing as his everyday voice. She knew that this was the throaty bullshit that all of the other women in Kaverna fell for, and it almost made her want to throw him out of her room right there and then. 

It was his silver eyes that caught her off-guard. Ah, those silver eyes. The one thing that set the two Wightwhisper siblings apart other than their lack of a human blood connection- the color of their eyes. Her's were like the violet gemstones of the nobles'jewelry. His were like the dangerous quicksilver that so many used to measure a fever. Bloodshot as they were. 

"Rest some more, before mother sees the condition you're in," Nevra retorted gently as she sat up. And the fact that you're in my bed, again, she added inaudibly.

 She half-expected him to argue with her or tease her, the way he usually did when he was bored, however the dark circles didn't lie. As Leanther hid his silver eyes away again and sighed tiredly, the woman noted that he really was with her for comfort.  

"I'll think of something to tell Mom." Nevra whispered as she pulled the purple covers of her bed over him. By the rise and fall of his chest she could already tell that he was fast asleep. 

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