Myths and Carriages

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"...and so, the angels came down from heaven, driving the demons out of the Kingdom. 

Human pride, envy, lust, greed, wrath, gluttony and sloth disappeared forever along with their masters, leading to a happily ever after for the Kingdom of Sigil." 

The little red book flipped shut as Heather, the maid of the Wightwhispers, glanced around the small moving wooden room that she was stuck inside of. She received a nod from the eldest woman in the carriage. To her, that was approval enough that she had done her work. 

"There clearly needs to be a repeat." 

The young servant's head snapped in the direction of Sir Leanther, meeting his striking silver eyes briefly before looking back down at the book in her lap. She was never quite sure how to respond to the sole male of the Wightwhispers and his weird little comments. It wasn't her place to give an opinion on anything, especially not in front of Lady Ashna. That wasn't what she was being paid for.

"I certainly hope you're not planning on expressing your personal stances on such matters in public," Lady Ashna Wightwhisper frowned as she looked at her only son. Her lips had settled into that thin line of disapproval that everyone in the carriage knew so well.

Leanther shook his head, a low little laugh escaping his throat. "Why yes, mother, topics of mass genocide are my favorite," he exclaimed boldly, winking at Heather in jest.

The sole maid couldn't help the little giggle that escaped her lips at the horrified look on Lady Ashna's face. Only her son could bring about such a deep crease on her forehead. It made her look like an angry feline of sorts. A cat, if you will. A very scandalized cat.

"...Brother, must annoying mother be your preferred choice of entertainment at the moment?" A quiet voice chimed in from besides the maid, making the woman nearly jump in surprise. 

The youngest member of the Wightwhisper family had been sleeping besides Heather for hours now, and yet despite the knowledge of her presence, she managed to scare the maid shitless. 

Due to the sudden movement besides her, Nevra's purple eyes glanced over in her attendant's direction curiously. She quickly took note of the hand over her maid's heart and her rapid breathing pattern. 

"I apologize, I didn't mean to scare you," she voiced, concern spilling forth from her eyes like waves. 

And there it is. The woman found herself unable to look away from Lady Nevra as her amethyst hues held her own. The lightning shift people felt when they heard the voice of the young heiress, or met her unnatural purple orbs. The sudden "presence" that she managed to attain the second she opened her mouth or locked eyes with someone. One moment, it's as if the space is empty, and the next, it's full of everything you desire to hear and see, and more. 

"I-I'm okay, my lady," Heather found herself uttering, feeling the heartbeat in her chest slow exponentially as she held Nevra's gaze. 

"I'm glad."

 With that, the silver-haired woman turned back to look at her brother who, in turn, seemed to be staring outside the carriage window.  

The rest of the ride passed in silence. 

The family arrived in Sigil at midnight and quickly settled in their new town-house on Saint Thomaso street. 

As Heather went to bed at around 2 am, she reminded herself to get up early enough to heat the pot for tea and make breakfast. Tomorrow would be important. 

WightwhisperTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang