Story 2- Yellow Submarine

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    The cover of this book is a yellow submarine for a reason. It is an inside joke "the crew" has.

     So we had to make these posters for History to describe the new technology that came from world war 1. Our group was assigned the German U-boat.

     A U-boat was used by the German Navy. Basically it was a submarine that shot torpedoes at other ships. This lead to unrestricted submarine warfare and all of that fun stuff. But that isn't the point of this story.

     My group began singing yellow submarine. Over and over again. And then we drew a  yellow submarine on the poster as a visual representation. I remember John saying that U-boats didn't look like that.

   Shut up John. A little imagination wouldn't kill you. Maybe it would help you not be so dull.

    Soo we began to draw submarines on each other's things, and left each other sticky notes and such. And we still crack up about it every single time.

History class storiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon