Aaron Hotchner x Motherly Reader

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Y/n's POV People always told me I was the motherly type of female, which I didn't mind. I always liked helping around and caring for others. So it didn't bother me, instead it made me happy. Anyway, I was waiting for Aaron to get back from a case. As hours passed, I was getting more and more anxious. But I took a few deep breaths and just listened to my heartbeat. A few more deep breaths, and I fully calmed down. I decided to play on my phone to pass the time. Picking my phone up from the coffee table, I clicked on a puzzle game I loved to play. I started to get tired, so I went to my room, put my phone on charge. And laid down. Just as I closer my eyes for sleep to come over me, my bedroom door opened to reveal Aaron. He looked extremely tired. "Hard case?" I asked hugging him , he nodded and sat next to me, running a finger through my hair. I then fell asleep and he did too. The next morning, he had a day off so we spent time together. And went to the park with Jack. Jack ended up scraped his knee from tripping, I ran to him as did Aaron. And I picked him up examining his knee. A bruise was forming. So I gave him a pain pill, and massaged his knee before putting a bandage on it. I kissed his forehead and he smiled with Aaron. After that everything was okay.

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