✯ fifteen ✯

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     ONCE I GOT to Denice's house, I texted her, not wishing to wake her parents up. She came to open the door, looking somewhat displeased, though I could tell she was also happy to see me. Brushing my hair behind my ear, I followed her inside, watching as she shut the door and locked it. Heading upstairs, I changed, realizing that all of my friends were staying in the living room. After taking off my makeup and pulling my hair back as well, I found myself heading back to the living room, confused when I saw Gloria and Trevor very openly kissing.

"They've been doing that for at least ten minutes," Jake said once I sat down, facing the television so as not to watch them. "Isn't it terrible?"

"Not terrible, just ... strange?" Denice agreed.

They glanced back over their shoulder, both of them rolling their eyes. I wondered what made Trevor and Gloria finally decide to give in. Then again, even if they were interested in one another they certainly didn't need to make out in front of all of us.

"So, what did East End Executioner have to say, V?" Denice started.

I swallowed hard, knowing I couldn't tell them what he had actually asked me. "Um, I'm not sure, really. Well, I am sure, he just was talking in some sort of lingo. He said something like, 'They owe me so much money, and I'm just pissed about the whole thing,' or things like that."

"Why did he want to talk to you about stupid stuff like that?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, that doesn't make sense," Denice agreed.

"Well, I don't know. We met because of where I live. He's the one I ran into when I was walking that one night, so I guess I'm indebted to him now or something."

They nodded slowly, seeming to kind of understand. As I was thinking about it, I wondered if that was truly had Curly thought. After all, I had fallen into his arms that one night after my dad had hit me, so maybe he thought that I owed him or something. Then again, he was telling me that I was strong and that was why he had wanted me to be his middle woman, whatever that was. I knew he only knew I was strong though because of all of our run ins. Trying to ignore the ideas, I laid back, scoffing when I glanced at the sofa to see Trevor very carelessly had his hand up Gloria's shirt.

"How gross," I muttered lowly, sitting up, and looking at Denice.

"Can I go sleep in your room? I don't think I can listen to kissing noises all night."

"We can ... hear you," Trevor said from the sofa between kisses. He pulled away, Gloria sitting up beside him. "Sorry, we just got into it."

"Clearly," Denice stated.

They both smiled nervously, but got up from the sofa, heading to the kitchen. I rolled my eyes, not wishing to know what they were doing in there. Though to my surprise, they came out a few minutes later with water for all of us, sitting on the ground as well. Once situated, we started playing games, and thought it was funny that Trevor and Gloria could barely keep their hands to themselves, but I guess they were just glad to have finally started doing whatever they were doing with the approval from all of us.

« « «

When it was really Halloween, I decided to stay home. Or, the Red Rum Inn, I should have said. Denice, Jake, Gloria, and Trevor were disappointed, but I told them I had never really enjoyed the actual holiday. Sure, I went to Halloween parties, but the holiday was definitely not something I enjoyed at all. Walking downstairs, I sat with Marla at the front desk. She smiled at me, the two of us talking about random things.

"But that still doesn't explain your dislike for the holiday," she said. "And wasn't there a Halloween party tonight you were going to?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2020 ⏰

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