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Odie walked past Garfield's cat bed, he was was best to leave him alone. Jon was in the kitchen, per usual. He was probably making Garfield's fat ass breakfast. Jon never made Odie breakfast. The pooch sat on the floor, looking up at his owner. Jon tiredly pet him before walking off, "probably heading off to bed...again..." Odie thought to himself. Man, no one in this house ever does anything! So...boring. The main issue could've just been that Odie had no one to play with, damn if he didn't miss Lyman. Lyman was Jon's roommate, and Odie's owner...but one day he just disappeared, leaving Odie with Jon. Jon was great and all but...Lyman didn't pick favorites, he only had one pet, his dog, Odie. Also Jon isn't exactly built for..."dog stuff," he's a cat guy. Liz was fun to have around, but Odie only ever saw her on trips to the vet, or when Jon had her over...for dates. Odie didn't even try to ask Garfield to hang out, well...anymore. Garfield hated "that stupid dog" more than anything. Maybe it was because of the fact that he was a dog...or just because he didn't want Odie stealing all the attention, but he for sure didn't like him. Odie didn't wanna hog attention, he just wanted to be loved a little. 

Garfield stretched, curling his paws a bit as he did so. After yawning, his eyes were fully open, awake. It must've been a Tuesday, because the cat felt happy, which was very new. But as soon as Garfield noticed Pooky missing, this joy drained away. His head swung back to the left then the right. Frantically, Garfield checked under his bed. Nothing here. The cat turned too fast, knocking into to Odie. "Gah!" Gar yelped, "did ya have to be so clo--" Odie gently dropped the stuffed bear at his (not-so-friendly) best friend's paws. Garfield swept up the toy and hugged it tightly to his chest, "Pooky!" He exclaimed, letting Odie see him without his usual guard up. The dog felt happy, Garfield looked so happy! Odie couldn't explain it to you and I, not even himself, but seeing his friend this happy made him happy. Garfield looked up at Odie, blushing a little, "thanks, pal..." he grumbled, trying to make sure that no one heard him, not Odie or himself. The dog's tail wagged a little, "don't look at me funny or anything!" Garfield looked away, trying to avoid eye contact, "I thanked you, okay? Happy?" Odie nodded cheerfully. "Good, now go do something..." Odie tilted his head to the kitchen. "Oh, I don't know how I didn't smell it earlier..." the scent of lasagna filled the feline's nostrils. Garfield struggled as he tried to climb up the counter, so, Odie came to help. The cat felt himself lift slightly, startled, Gar looked down to see Odie. "Hey! No, bad dog, no!" Garfield kicked at the dog's head lightly (not trying to hurt him?) "I do not need help!" Odie whined quietly, "Odie! Odie, I swear to Christ if you do not put me down--!!" Garfield used his paws to try and free himself. Odie tried to keep his balance, but struggled due to the fact that Garfield was...heavy and would not stop moving. The dog couldn't speak so he barked a bit, trying to warn the other: "bro we's 'bout to fall." Odie's back paws slid under each other, "Woah!" Garfield exclaimed before falling along with the dumb doggy. 

Garfield had shut his eyes tight, out of fear. Slowly, he opened them. The cat was surprised to find himself laying on top of Odie, he must've crushed the poor pooch. Embarrassed, Garfield leaped up and licked his paw, it was kinda sore. "I told you to put me down..." Odie didn't seem to mind. Huh, he must've been too stupid to feel pain. 

Jon walked in, putting on a tie as he walked. "Morning, boys!" The curly-haired man petted Odie as he gently put Garfield's plate of pasta on the floor. "I've gotta head to work, be good!" Jon peeked his head in the door before leaving, "...that means you, Garfield..." The cat rolled his eyes as his owner left. 

Garfield struggled to eat his lasagna, due to the fact that some stupid dog wouldn't leave him alone. "What!?" Asked Garfield angerly, "what do you want?" Obviously Odie didn't reply. "Wanna leave me alone, then?" He scoffed, "God, you really are annoying..." Odie laid beside Garfield, in an effort to calm down and be less "annoying." Garfield rolled his eyes as he shook his head before giving the canine a little shove and continuing to eat.

A few hours later, (those few hours mostly consisted of sleeping, food, and television) Garfield decided he was gonna go hang out with Arlene and Nermal. Odie tried to join Garfield, (...for some reason) but was told to "go the fuck away." So, Odie gave up.

"I tellin' you guys, it's super fuckin' weird..." Garfield told the group, "he will not stop following me, I hate it, it's so Goddamn annoying. I hate him, I wish I knew what he was thinking!" Arlene rolled her eyes, "For someone you supposedly hate, you sure do talk about him a lot." 

"Okay, yeah. And?" The feminine feline shrugged, "nothing, I'm just saying..." Nermal didn't talk, he just kinda sat there awkwardly. "Sayin' what?" Garfield interrogated further. Arlene just shook her head and laughed. "Okay, you're really buggin' me here, what do you mean by that!?" Nermal started finally, "well...uh, she might be thinking...maybe you don't in every respect...hate Odie as much as you think?" Garfield stared at both of them, wordless and confused. Arlene sighed, "Garfield, has it ever occurred to you that maybe--just maybe--Odie might have a lil' crush on you?" The cat didn't reply. "I mean honestly, hun...think about it, you hate him and treat the poor baby--" Arlene was interrupted with a "baby!?" From Garfield. She sighed and continued, "the poor dog like garbage, and he still loves you," Arlene stopped Garfield, who went to speak, "and you know that, whether it's platonic or...whatever, Odie loves you." The tabby cat grumbled to himself, "you are really over analizin' this, Arlene..." his face was flushed. The aforementioned pink cat smirked, "oh I am, am I? Well, how about you ask him yourself?" Garfield blushed, "I can't do that!!" Nermal still remained quiet. "Oh? And why is that?" Arlene probed, "well--" 

"If you don't care or return the feelings, why should matter?" Garfield kept trying to say something, but Arlene never let him get it out, "and if it wouldn't embarrass you, why would you care about how Odie feels, huh? You don't care about anyone."

"Fine!!" Garfield shouted defeatedly, "I'll ask him okay?!" Arlene and Nermal looked at each other. "Okay."

"...I'll ask him." Garfield told himself.

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