Mute Confession

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Garfield awkwardly avoided Odie the whole next few days, but upon talking to Nermal and Arlene again...he had to ask! He had to...

"Odie," the dog stared at his only friend, "can I, uh ask ya somethin'?" Garfield laid down with Odie. "" Garfield sighed, "would--why--?" Odie cocked his head to the side, confused as ever. "Do you love me?" The cat cringed at his own words, "no,, th..that sounds stupid..." Garfield seemed out of breath. Odie was blushing just a little, still kinda confused. "Ugh..." The chonky cat buried his face in the carpet, "like...more than a friend?" Hesitantly, Garfield looked up, awaiting an answer. Odie's face was really red, but he seemed kinda calm. Happily, the dog nodded, Garfield felt his heart skip a beat. "Ah." A silence passed. "Welp. That's that..." the cat tried to pretend like he didn't care. Odie smiled sweetly before licking Gar's face, surprising him. "Odie...?" Garfield sat up. The aforementioned pup patiently waited for him to continue. Placing one paw on Odie's chest, Garfield nuzzled the other's nose. Odie's tail thumped loudly on the floor, he was so happy. Odie hugged the fat cat tightly, who purred loudly, indicating he was happy, making Odie even happier. "Don't tell anyone about this..." 

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