Kalin: the Hemokinesis kid

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    Kalin Jaeger was having the time of his life, he just ran away from home and was doing whatever he wanted. He had recently obtained a new power, which was……. he had looked up what it would be called, if, you know, people actually had powers like that, Hemokinesis the power to control blood he doesn’t quite know how it works yet. But, he mused, as he admired the jar full of blood, it is quite useful power.  He was admiring the jar full of his parents’ blood. He had hated his parents, they abused him, made him do the most dangerous and hardest jobs, and barely fed him. So he killed them, of course the drunks had deserved it. And now he was free, but he still wasn’t sure how that made him feel. he shook his head, trying to rid himself of the dark thoughts. He looked up, looking around for something that would sufficiently distract him. There! An arcade, he remembered that he was never allowed in one, Well, that’s going to change, he thought rather happily, And I wonder what playing video games is like, he wondered as he entered the arcade. There weren't many people in there at this hour, I'll just steal some money for the games from one of these kids. He looked around, the few people that were there couldn't be more different. There was a chubby boy eating ice cream, a grown woman with long nails looking straight at him, and a boy that seemed to be in his teens in a skin tight suit. Weirdos, he snorted, deciding to take from the fat boy he discreetly opened his jar, behind his back, so as to make sure they didn’t see it.As the thick red blood fell out it, he made it snake along the floor towards the boy. Suddenly the chubby boy turned towards Kalin, his face turning to bone, Kalin, forgetting what he was trying to do, jerked back with surprise.

The fat boy's entire body was encased in bone, the boy then jumped at Kalin and smacked him upside the head. "Bones why do you always do that?" the woman faintly sighs, or at least he thinks it was faintly. His vision had started to go black, and he wondered, why they would hurt an innocent (looking) kid?, just before he blacked out.


He woke up, slowly becoming more aware of his surroundings. He was chained by his arms from the ceiling. His glance darted about the room, looking for a way out, there was none. In front of him was the boy in the skin tight suit bizarrely, he was holding a whip. He spoke calmly, "You have two options. You can either join us, or you can be tortured."

"I don’t even know who you are, much less the organization you work for." he spat.

"We are Fear, an organization made to train,” he hesitated, like he was looking for the right word, “ special children, like yourself, to take over the world." he spoke oh so calmly, like he didn’t actually sound insane.

"Why torture me to get me to help you? It’s not like pain will make me do what you want. I barely even feel pain." Kalin smirked, thinking he had outsmarted to man in the skin-suit.

"Oh, I know." the boy smirked back, dropping the whip. Kalin’s smirk faded, this boy knew something he didn’t,  suddenly he had spiders all over his body, he screamed, and they started crawling into his mouth.

Kalin screamed again, "Make it stop!" the spiders stopped and disappeared. He whimpered slightly, the boy across from him smiled cruelly, “Now will you join? I have to keep doing this until you do.” he pointed out, “It would be so much easier on myself and you if you gave in.” he sounded disinterested in what Kalin would choose, but he had a feeling that the bastard enjoyed his terror. He hesitated, then nodded weakly.

"See? Fear is not just caused physically, but it is also mentally as well." the boy smirked again, then, snapping his fingers, the chains fell down, freeing Kalin. "Welcome to the team. My name is Scar, your new name is Blood, the boy that attacked you is Bones. The woman with the nails is Morph, and she is actually fourteen." he sounded bored with the whole thing, like he had done this many times before, or he really didn’t care.

Kalin was taken aback "What’s with the weird names?"

Scar smirked "We are named according to your power. Mine is Scar because I can release a pheromone that causes the hallucinations I choose, Morph can control every hormone in her body, and because of that she can, how do you say it, ‘shapeshift’. Bones can give himself Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, a rare disease that turns the skin into bone, but he can turn it on and off at will, and you apparently have faint magnetism abilities, which allow you to control the iron in human blood, but not on,” he hesitated again, “special persons like you and me. It is unsure why."

"Well, life just got interesting." Kalin sighed, then smiled, "This is going to be fun."


"The estimated time of death was last night at ten-fifty PM," I woke up to the news playing on TV, "It seems they were drained of all their blood and blown up from the inside. Their son is nowhere to be found, he is presumed dead but the police are sending out a search party." I turn off the TV.

"Wow, if you can't stomach that, then you’re hopeless, squirt." Geo laughs behind me.

"Patches says Geo felt like throwing up too." Aisha says from behind me as well.

Geo flushes, "I did not."

"What are you doing in our room?" I ask Geo.

He smirks, "Trying to get you up. Now time for training, grab your gun." I pick up my gun and begin to leave the room, "And Aisha, grab Patches you gotta train as well."

"No, she won't." I growl picking up on the argument from last night.

"Chameleon, are they ready yet?" I hear a shout from downstairs.

"Almost Kyle." Geo begins to sound nervous, "Hurry up!” he hisses, glancing at the door like it’s going to explode at any moment, “You don't want to see Kyle mad.” Then, looking at the disbelief evident on my face. he scowls and says, “ I mean it!"

“Fine.” I sigh, “Come on Aisha." I hold out my hand, and she grabs it, letting me drag her down that hall. She stumbles along behind me and sucks her thumb, noticing the look on Geo’s face I mutter darkly, and then over punctuate so he gets my point, “Not-A-Single-Word. Got it?”Aisha and I walk down the long spiral staircase, walk down the hall and I enter a large metal room.

"We'll start with something easy." Nillie's voice fills the room, "Let's see how well you do with targets." immediately targets pop up out of nowhere, Aisha just stares at them, it almost seemed that she knew where they were going to appear. I had caught her staring at several target-empty places only seconds before they even popped up. I frown, and try to shoot them, but the kick from the gun launches my hands back and hits me in the face.

"It's too hard." I complain.

"Did I give you permission to give up?" Kyle shouts.

"No, but I'm hungry and I've never held a gun before and my nose hurts." Blood from my nose begins gushing out. I begin to cry.

"Kyle look what you did!" Nillie picks me up, "let him eat at least." she starts to take me up stairs.

"Fine he can eat," Kyle huffs, "b-but we go straight to strength and conditioning when he is done!" Kyle flushes.

She laughs, "Okay commander whatever you say." We go upstairs into a white tiled kitchen where she pours me a bowl of cereal and helps stop the blood coming from my nose.

"Thanks Nillie." I finally say when the bleeding stops.

"No problem."

"Patches says Nillie thinks you’re cute." Aisha blurts out.

Nillie blushes. "Yeah,  you are adorable. I wish I had a little brother like you."

Kyle comes up stairs, "Are you done yet? We have to get to work."

"Almost done." I grumble angrily finishing spoonful of cereal, I don’t like it but Geo seemed pretty scared of an angry Kyle and I don’t want to see that, "Okay let's get going." I sigh as I rush down the stairs after Kyle.

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