details/ prologue

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A/N: hey I'm Luna nice to meet you I'm putting all of my characters down in this chapter / prologue / meet the characters page I guess and I know not all of the characters I have are going to be on here as I am constantly creating more so if I've missed one let me know! thank you! peace out little misfits!!!!


Kyle (codename: Cat): (Gender) Male, (age) 16, (eye color) brown, (hair color) black, (attire) black hoodie, ripped jeans, and unkempt hair, (ability) has all the best attributes of cats for example; speed of a cheetah, strength of a lion, balance of a house cat, and night vision of a panther, (weapons) two rapiers, (personality) doesn't say say much but cares deeply for the other agents.

Nillie (code name: Bird): (Gender) Female, (age) 13, (eye color) blue, (hair color) blond, (attire) fun and flowery clothes and long hair, (ability) do to her hollow and frail bones she is extremely light and has the ability to turn the oxygen in her lungs into helium and fill her bones with it to give her flight, (weapons) to light but extremely powerful fans on her wrists so she can control her direction while she flies and "blow away" her enemies, (personality) happy and cheery and her glass is always overflowing and secretly is in love with Kyle.

Geo (codename: Chameleon): (Gender) Male, (age) 15, (eye color) green, (hair color) whatever he feels like, (attire) white jumpsuit that changes color to his will and short shaggy hair, (ability) the pigment in his body can change color to his will so he blends in with everything, (weapons) a butterfly knife, (personality) creepy and perverted using his invisibility to his use, as well as a jerk and curious.

Mike (code name: Snake): (Gender) Male, (age) 8, (eye color) red, (hair color) blond, (attire) grabs whatever. He has no sense of fashion, (ability) his eyes see heat rather than color so his eyes are always in infrared vision, (weapons) a pistol but is always too afraid to use it, (personality) foolish, gullible, coward, and all around sissy; but when it comes to his sister he gets so brave it borders on stupidity

Aisha (codename: Puppy) (gender) Female (age) 5 (eye color) lilac (hair color) honey-brown (attire) dresses with leggings, her stuffed giraffe named "patches" (ability) reading any person or animal but has an inborn disability (more like an inborn dislike) of reading words (weapons) anything possible when mad, patches the rest of the time (personality) quiet, solemn, worries about big brudder, loves patches (stuffed giraffe), delusional; believes patches can talk to her.

Ben (codename) Techno (gender) male (age) 17 (eye color) black with red pupils (hair color) blonde (attire) all black with combat boots (ability) hacking and traveling threw any device and flash drives in finger tips (weapons) sword (personality) perv butt extreme introvert and prefers his technology.

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