A boy...

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I once met a boy who I didn't like,
He said all the wrong things,rode on a bike,
He made me mad whenever he talked.
He was trouble with a capital T, I wasn't at all shocked,
When I caught him once in my sister's room
And well, let's just say he was her doom
I hated his guts after that, loathed him with all my heart.

Two years later, I met him again,
though he was the same,
Smirking asshole;so I thought I'd teach him a lesson.
Tit for tat, make him feel my the pain,
My sister went through
When he saw me, his smirk grew.
Finally!I thought I would now get revenge.
Make him pay and rightfully avenge,
My dear sister;but oh!
How wrong I was! I didn't know,
at that time you see-that after sharing a bed,
 I'd fall for him instead.

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