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I own nothing of the BNHA characters. All credit is due to the madman himself Kohei Horikoshi. The only thing I own is my broke ass and this fanfiction.

I claim all rights to this story and should it be found on a separate website or account please let me know so that I may exercise my legal right.

None of the artwork belongs to me unless specifically stated. And there will be original characters used in this book so be warned.

If you want, you may add a few requests of your own. Please let all requesting be done here.

Please be respectful to other readers and please no flames.

I don't mind constructive criticism but if all you're doing is pointing out my flaws without giving me advice or tips then just don't say anything at all.

Other things that may be included in this book are:

☆ Mature themes
☆ Strong language
☆ Graphic violence
☆ Sexual overtures
☆ Original characters

Warnings will be given as an extra precaution. Since I doubt anyone actually reads these things.

Anyways yes please comment and vote for the book if you feel like it and I'll see you around.

Yours truly,

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