Permeate That Sadness

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• Rozu × Mirio
•  Angst to Fluff
• an OC (Not mine)


Questions upon questions upon questions.

Mirio had felt sad before as is usual for any human being capable of basic human empathy.

However, this was an all new sense of depreciation for him.

He essentially didn't have a quirk anymore who wouldn't feel bummed about that? And then the scene with Sir...he couldn't bring himself to complete that line of thought. How could he live up to the expectations put upon him? What more was there for him now? Did he regret his actions? No, came the instant mental reply, he'd do it all over again no matter the circumstances. But was there a better way of dealing with the villain's?  Could something have been changed if he were more fast? More careful?

Before he could spiral further into the dark place his mind had become there was a knock at the door, which then opened and a familiar face peered through.

From his place on the bed Mirio easily caught the way Rozu brightened when she saw him. She entered, closing the door behind her before waltzing over and taking a seat by his bedside. 

"Hey there, Togata! I hope you're not feeling too bad?" Her voice was filled with a bright energy Mirio, himself, could not possess at the current moment. Was it artificial, her radiating brilliance? Was she really happy to see him? Hadn't she heard the news? Was this a plot to 'fix' him? What was there to fix? What wasn't there to fix?

Mirio mustered a shaky smile and replied "Y-yeah. I'm fine."

Rozu glanced at Mirio's face. Searching for something, he mused, I wonder what she'll find. Would it be the dead look in his eyes? The tears tracks leading down his face? The aching sorrow in the depths of his dark, blue eyes? Would she look at all the bandages wrapped along his body and wonder how each came to be? Better yet, would she have the gall to ask him about them?

She made a small sound, like she'd found whatever it was she'd been searching for, before saying very gently "Hey there, y know you can talk to me about anything right? I'll always be here for you. I'll listen."

Something about that statement struck a chord within Mirio's heartstrings.

Maybe because he needed an outlet for his pent up emotions or maybe because he realised there was someone here who cared about him who was also affected by his emotions.

His pain.   

He hadn't known he had begun to cry until Rozu panicked and tried to get him to calm down. In her state of panic she had gotten up from her seat to settle on the bed beside him and had given him an unsure hug.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered, voice thick with emotions. The arms around him tightened. "I just feel so unsure about what I'm gonna do now. I quirk. How am I gonna save people if I don't have a quirk? How can I be a hero?"

Rozu gently took hold of Mirio's face and made him face her. With a kind but firm smile she said "Listen, your quirk does not define who you are or what you have to be. You can still be a hero! You just have to figure out a new way of crime fighting that's all. Nothing's changed. You'll be a great hero, Togata. And I'll be there for you every step of the way!"

Mirio felt the tears fall down again but this time Rozu was prepared and she simply wiped them away before giving a small peck to one cheek, then the other then his forehead and then his nose but she hesitated when she reached his lips. Did she think he would not want this? Did she really think he had it in him to say no?

Mirio let out a breathless chuckle before reaching out to softly thread his fingers in her fluffy hair and pulled her to him as he let their lips connect.

It started off as a light kiss. A barely there kiss. A simple-press-of-the-lips-kind-of kiss.

But then one kiss turned into another and another until they were both left panting and giggling.

They shared one more deep kiss and slowly, Mirio realized with all the suddenness of a moving train, the tears had faded altogether.

When they pulled away Mirio rested his head against hers and hugged her close to him.

"I don't deserve you," he said and kissed the spot near her ear. "But gosh, I want you."

His eyes were closed and so he didn't see the way Rozu's cheeks flushed a pretty pink colour.

No, Mirio thought to himself, I don't deserve her. But I'll do anything to keep her by my side.


Later in the week, when Mirio received a visit from Midoriya regarding his wellbeing, the reassuring smile he conjured up was in no way fake.

It was as Rozu said: he'd just have to find out a new way of saving people. He would still be a hero. He would have to do some extensive training, yes. But at the thought of saving a million people like he'd promised, at the possibility of stopping criminals, at the memory of one little girl whose life he had saved, his resolve strengthened with a new found vigor. 

And for one bright, gleaming moment of peace the questions stopped.


Quick someone take a snap of me in this rare moment where I admit to my folly. Ha! You thought this was some more omake? I THINK THE FUCK NOT. But in all seriousness, I apologise for the late af update, 2020 was supposed to be a good year but we humans as a collective somehow managed to fuck that up. Along with the major shitstorms going on in earth I have large mounds of shitty paperwork I gotta do, bitch-ass leadership responsibilities I must attend to, trash to take out, etc., etc.
Honest to god, I'm not even sure how I ended up in a leadership role but I guess this is who I am now. Let's see how many brats I can break before I get arrested or expelled---whichever comes first.
Please take this chapter as a token of my sincerest apologies.

Yours truly

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2020 ⏰

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