Proulouge- part 1

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Authors Notes
Ok so the picture for the picture above is how I designed the oc but for this I will make it a self insert just with the outfit and attitude of my oc just in case anyone was confused and also this will not follow the exact script of the game because it seems more fun to make my own dialogue (btw this is my first fan fiction so please don't be mad if there's spelling or grammar errors anywhere or if it's bad)

I stand there, confused as I take in my bizarre surroundings. In front of me stands a double door with an almost ominous atmosphere around it. As my curiosity got the better of me, I cautiously approach the door and with shaking hands reach out for the golden handles and as I push down, a single click is heard before the door glides open to reveal a classroom full of 15 students.
After seeing their outfits, it was obvious they were ultimates as well, this was hopes peak academy after all. After the sound of the door opening echoed though the classroom, most of the students turned to see who had entered."It appears another person has arrived," declared a male with blonde hair and glasses.
"Ahhhhh, no don't let the door close!" Screamed a pink haired male with shark like teeth
as the click of the solid wood door closing could be heard. Not really wanting human interaction the moment, I walk towards the back of the classroom where I find an empty seat and sit, trying to avoid eye contact with everyone until I hear a voice bellow through the room.
"Hey you, you've yet to introduce yourself," says the blonde with glasses. I look up and say with a cold voice "(y/n)". Everyone's eyes are on me, not expecting such an intimidating tone from such a small girl until the door clicks open once more to reveal a boy with spiked brown hair, a white t-shirt and a green tie stood at the doorway.
"It appears that's everyone," declares the blonde with glasses.
"How do you know that?" Questioned the pink haired boy looking puzzled.
"It's rather obvious is it not? There are 17 desks and this is the 17th student to enter."
"OH DON'T LET THE DOOR SHUT!" Shouts the pink haired boy again but once again his warning was a bit to late and the door had already closed.
"Why did you not want the door to shut?" Questioned the brown haired male
"Try opening it, that's why!" Says the pink haired male with annoyance laced in his voice.
The brown haired male grabs onto the handle once again but this time no click is heard. He tries to push harder and wiggle the handle but it is of no use.
"Well that isn't suspicious," I say under my breathe. People start talking amongst themselves as I zone out wondering what might be happening, 'the doors probably just jammed, I'm sure a teacher is on their way now to fix it' I think but little did I know how wrong I was.
I was snapped out of my daze by the sound of a high pitched voice coming from behind the desk.
"Hey now don't fight!" The voice says.
Hey don't mess with me with that stupid voice!" Screams the pink haired male.
"It was not me who said that" says the blonde with glasses.
"No it was me!" Announces the voice again but this time something pops up from behind the desk, I get into a fighting stance out of instinct for if it tries to attack and upon closer inspection it appeared to be some sort of pink stuffed rabbit toy.
"What the hell is that thing!" The brown haired boy screamed.
"Me, well I'm the teacher for this school trip of course!" The rabbit replied.
"T..Teacher!?" A girl with purple hair and bandages questioned while stuttering.
"Of course it's not a teacher although I must admit it's some impressive engineering I mean it can even reply to us," says the pink haired male who was seemingly impressed by the rabbit.
"Also what did you mean school trip?" Questioned a girl with red hair and a camera.
"Yeah, where exactly do you plan on taking us?" I say in a serious tone, giving the rabbit a death stare.
" need to be so I..intimidating and besides we aren't going anywhere because we're already here!"
Everyone looked to one another, confusion plastered on their faces and just like that, the rooms walls fell before our very eyes to reveal an unreal sight. I look around and find that we appear to be on a beach, the clear blue waves crash against the sand and the smell of the salt water wafts through the air. I look around further, trying to identify where we are exactly only to find a few building off in the distance that I couldn't quite recognise from all of the palm trees surrounding the beach. Suddenly I see the brown haired boy go pale and start to wobble and lose his balance, I knew he was about to faint and bones,ty I didn't blame him for it as these weren't exactly normal circumstances. Without hesitation, I sprint over to the boy, accidentally pushing into some students as I try to get to him and just before he falls, I hold out my arms to catch him. Everyone's eyes were now on the unconscious boy as I lay him down on the sand. "What the fuck?" Says a short blonde boy with crew cuts in his hair.
"Woah, nice catch!" Compliments a boy with white hair which seems to defy gravity and a green jacket.
"Thanks," I reply with my cold tone
"Um will he be ok?" Asks a girl with a black dress with a blue gem in the middle.
"He should be, he just needs to wake up now." I reply
"More importantly, where have we been transported?" Asked a guy with black hair, a scarf and four hamsters.
"Your on the island that the school trip will be taking place! Before we start there are some rules we must go over!" Usami says.
"And what might those rules be?" Says the blonde with glasses, annoyance in his voice
(I can only remember three rules so I will just put those - author chan)
"Ok well the first rule is there is to be no damaging the environment, we must work together with nature to preserve its beauty, rule two is no littering for the same reasons as rule one and rule three is there is to be no acts of violence whilst on this school trip. Please make sure to follow these rules to ensure that everyone has a good stay here." Usami explained.
"And how long will we be staying here?" Asks a girl with grey braids and red eyes.
"Well we will leave one all of you become friends, this place is just for you too grow together and make friendships to last a lifetime!" Usami says. That sounds rather strange, why would hopes peak take us to an island just to become friends? This situation is less than ideal for me although if we have to survive off of the land I will be more than capable or maybe they have accommodations ready for us. Either way I have a bad feeling about this and when I have a bad feeling, I tend to be right.
"Anyway I you guys should explore the island and introduce yourselves to each other! Make sure to have fun!"  Usami says before vanishing into thin air.
"Wait that's it! She didn't even say where we were!" The pink haired male shouts.
As everyone starts talking amongst themselves again (except for the white haired boy who is checking on the one who fainted) I zone out, not wanting to talk to anyone. As I'm thinking to myself, my mind keep going back to what Usami said.

Friends huh...

Authors Notes
Hey guys I hope you enjoyed part 1, sorry if it seems rushed, it's just that I really want to get into the main story as it seem like it will be fun! As for updates, I will most likely update the story at least every Friday, maybe more depending on how much time I have. Anyway hope you enjoyed and feel free to leave any writing tips for me.

Words: 1425

Ultimate escape artist (female) reader x sdr2! Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora