Proulouge - part 3

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After exiting the supermarket, we decide to make our way towards the airport. I was quite surprised to see an airport on the island as there weren't any other people on the island so who was using the airport before we came here? Maybe I was thinking too much into it, and before I knew it, we had arrived.
Upon entering the airport, the first thing I noticed were the planes that were visible through the large window at the back of the building although I had a feeling the planes wouldn't be working and even if they were, I was pretty sure no one here know how to fly a plane.
I look over and see Hajime and Nagito talking to a male with pink hair and sharp, shark like teeth. Nagito glances in my direction and notices me looking at them, he smiles then calls me over.
"Hey Y/N you need to introduce yourself too!" Nagito calls out. I reluctantly walk towards them, slightly irritated by the amount of social interaction that I had to do.
"Hey there, I'm Kazuichi Souda and I'm the ultimate mechanic! Nice to meet ya."

"Y/N L/N, Ultimate escape artist," I say bluntly, sick of having to say my name and talent so many times

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"Y/N L/N, Ultimate escape artist," I say bluntly, sick of having to say my name and talent so many times.
"Kazuichi has worked on many large mechanical projects for many different companies although he's mainly known for his fun mechanical experiments," Nagito once again explains to us.
"Yeah! That solar powered Roomba  with a knife was by far my best work!" Kazuichi gloats, looking proud of himself while me and hajime give each other a side glance, wondering why he would do that.
Anyway, since your the ultimate mechanic, have you looked at the planes put there yet," Hajime asks, trying to change the subject.
"Yep and we won't be flying them anytime soon, the entire engine is missing. They must just be for show. Kazuichi said looking a little disappointed.
"Why is there even an airport here if the planes don't work?" I say confused.
"Beats me but you know, it's not so bad here so I guess it doesn't really matter if we can't leave," Kazuichi says with his hand behind his head.
"I still don't know about this place I mean isn't it suspicious we didn't get any warning about this school trip?" Hajime asks with a troubled look on his face.
"That is true, I do have a bad feeling about this," I say with my arms crossed.
"You two should stop worrying, I'm sure nothing will happen! Just enjoy your time here while you can. After all,It's not everyday you can enjoy a tropical island!" Nagito says, optimistic as always.
"I guess your right," Hajime says n of quite convinced by Nagito's speech.
"Anyway I should probably keep looking around here, see you guys later!" Kazuichi waves goodbye as he slowly walks away to inspect one of the planes waiting outside.
"We should keep introducing you guys to people too. After all, we haven't even gotten half way through the introductions!" Nagito says as he starts leading the way through the airport while making small conversations with me and Hajime.
"So what do you two think of the people you've met so far?" Nagito asks.
"I don't like people so I don't really like them," I say bluntly as I hear Nagito sigh under his breath.
As we continue walking through the airport (which was much bigger than it looked) with Nagito and Hajime talking to each other once again. Suddenly I saw someone with a long black jacket, a purple scarf and two grey streaks in their hair stood across from him. As I stand their, looking at the teen, his head turns and my blue eyes merry his grey and red ones. As soon as our eyes met, he started running towards us as I instinctively backed up which caught the attention of Hajime and Nagito.
Before I knew it, he was in front of me with an amazed look on his face.
"Could you really be the demon I have read so much about?"
"Um no," I reply confusion laced in my voice.
"Ah I see, you mustn't reveal your true self in front of these mere mortals, alas they could not handle your true power," he says getting louder with each word.
"I'm not a demon," I say irritated.
"But that can't be. You got the descriptions perfectly, that long black hair, that cold emotionless voice and the eye patch. I believe that is far to many similar traits to cross it off as a coincidence!" He continues desperate to prove that I am a demon. As he finished talking, I notice something moving in his scarf and move closer to investigate. The male looks at me strangely as I gently lift one of the folds on his scarf only to find a small furry hamster looking back at me. Suddenly the hamster crawls out of the scarf and up my arm. I look at the male again only to find three more Hampstead emerge from his scarf.
"Ah I see you've taken a liking to my four dark devas of destruction, I suppose it makes sense for a demon such as yourself," The male says, looking smug almost as if this was his proof I was a demon.
"Fine whatever, do you have a name?" I asked annoyed at his allegations.
"Yes of course, MY NAME IS GUNDHAM TANAKA, LET THE NAME OF THE ULTIMATE BREEDER ECHO THROUGH THE DARKEST DEPTHS OF HELL!" He screams, causing it to echo through the large airport as me and Hajime look at each other with confused looks.

"Yes of course, MY NAME IS GUNDHAM TANAKA, LET THE NAME OF THE ULTIMATE BREEDER ECHO THROUGH THE DARKEST DEPTHS OF HELL!" He screams, causing it to echo through the large airport as me and Hajime look at each other with confused looks

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   "Gundham is a very talented breeder who is mainly known for bringing 7 different species back from the brink of extinction and the strong and healthy animals he has helped raise and form bonds with," Nagito explains.
"How dare you! I don't raise animals, I raise beasts!" Gundham yells.
"Sure, whatever," I say clearly irritated
"I must say you are rather cold, even for a demon," Gundham says smug but before he can say anything else to annoy me, I start to walk away as Hajime and Nagito say their goodbyes. I hear Nagito and Hajime catch up to me and we start walking together again and we start talking again.
"Well he was...interesting" Hajime says.
"Tell me about it," I say looking at the ocean.
"So... are you a demon then?" Nagito says clearly mocking me with a stupid smile on his face. I quickly turn to face him, giving him a death glare,
"Shut up and just lead the way," I say annoyed.
Nagito just laughs it of as we walk down the islands path. So far all of the people I've met have been very interesting and unique which isn't ideal for someone like me. Normal people are easy to read and predict, just a pawn in the game of chess which is life but if all of the people on this island are so different and unpredictable...

...who knows what could happen.


Authors Notes
Hey guys, sorry for the late update this week I've just been busy with catching up with homework but I would like to thank everyone for the amazing support on this story. It's truly amazing to think that my story has reached so many people already and I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my hearts, love you guys so much❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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