Proulouge - part 2

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After a while, everyone had decided to go and explore the island although I had decided to over to the white haired male and the one who fainted. He had been unconscious for a while now but I was positive that there was no permanent damage due to the fact that I had caught him, he must have just been that shocked to see the island.
"Hey good job catching him back there, you really moved fast!" Says the white haired boy.
"Thanks, I suppose you want an introduction?"
"Well that certainly would help!"
"Fine, I'm Y/N L/N the ultimate escape artist."
"That's quite the talent! Well I guess any talent is amazing compared to mine."
"And what might your talent be?"
"Well I'm Nagito Komeada and I'm the ultimate lucky student! See not much of a talent is it?"

""And what might your talent be?""Well I'm Nagito Komeada and I'm the ultimate lucky student! See not much of a talent is it?"

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" I suppose not."
I had never known that luck could even be classed as a talent though I suppose it does kind of make sense if you think about it in a certain way but still, is it classed as a talent if you can't even control it?
"Hey I think I'm going to go introduce myself to the others, do you wanna come along?"
"No I'll stay here in case he wakes up before you come back."
"Ok I'll try not to be too long then"
"Ok, bye"
I sat down onto the warm sand as the sun glistened onto the crystal blue ocean. I listened to the crashing of waves and felt the fresh ocean breeze as it flowed through my (h/l) (h/c) hair as I slowly closed my eyes, taking in the relaxing atmosphere of the island. I looked down at the unconscious teens outfit and wondered what his ultimate was, due to the hair clip shaped like a key, and the choker with a lock on it I was wearing, it wasn't exactly hard to guess my ultimate but his outfit seemed rather bland compared to mine and the others. I guess I will just ask him when he wakes up.
After a few more minutes of listening to the sea, I hear footsteps approaching, I spin my head round to see who it is to find Nagito standing with a smile on his face.
"Oh your back, how was everyone?"
"There all doing well, a little taken aback by the situation but I guess that's to be expected. There all really interesting too!"
"Well they are ultimates so that makes sense."
"So he's still unconscious?"
"Yeah, he should wake up soon though." And as if on cue, we hear the boy start to stir as he slowly wakes from his unconscious state.His eyes fluttered open to reveal emerald green eyes, looking up to see Nagito above him with a concerned yet happy look on his face.
"Hey can you hear me?" Nagito asks, concern present in his tone.
"Huh?" The brown haired boy sits up slightly, holding his head as he does so.
"Hello?" Nagito asks.
"Huh, where am I, who are you?" The brown haired boy asked confused.
"We're on a school trip to a mysterious island as weird as it sounds, you fainted when you found out" I explained
"That definitely does sound weird but who are you two?" He asks, still confused.
"Oh I almost forgot, my name is Nagito Komeada, and I'm the ultimate lucky student. I know, pretty worthless talent huh?"
"And what about you," the boy asks looking at me.
"Y/N L/N, the ultimate escape artist."
"Now I believe you owe us an introduction too!" Nagito says.
"Oh yeah, my name is Hajime Hinata."
"Talent?" I ask as my eyes drift back towards the ocean.
"Oh right my talent it," Hajime stops for a second, looking at the ground with a look of concentration on his face, "I... I don't remember."
"You don't remember your talent?" I ask with a suspicious look, " I suppose it could be amnesia from fainting, if that is the case then you should be able to remember soon."
"Amnesia huh?" Hajime says, still looking at the ground.
"Oh you two haven't met the others yet have you, we should probably do that since we all have to be friends to be able to leave," Nagito says laughing a bit at the end.
"Huh why didn't Y/N meet anyone yet?" Hajime asks curiously.
"I was here in case you woke up while Nagito was gone." I explain.
"Oh" Hajime looks to the ground with a slight look of guilt on his face as Nagito starts to lead us off of the beach to explore the other parts of the island and meet the other ultimates.
First we decided to go towards the supermarket, Nagito explained the rules of the island and how to get off to Hajime on the way there while I mainly stayed quiet, being on this island with all these other people was going to be a pain, especially since I have to be friends with them to get off the island.
After a few minutes, we arrived at the supermarket and went inside. I must admit the selection of items was impressive, there was also a lot of camping and survival gear that caught my attention. Nagito and Hajime had gone to a different isle to see what food we had access too and also to continue explaining the rules to him. As I looked at the night vision goggles, i noticed someone trying to sneak up behind me and without hesitating, I swiftly grabbed their arm, pushed it behind their back and pinned them to the floor.
"OW OW OW OW OW!" The person yelled and upon closer inspection it appeared to be a girl about the same age as me with multicoloured streaks in her hair. Hajime and Nagito heard the commotion and ran over to see what was going on only to find me holding the girl to the floor.
"AHHHHH Y/N STOP" Nagito yelled and I reluctantly let go of the girl. She held where I had grabbed her arm with a pout on her face.
"Ow why did you attack me!" The girl says angrily
"You were sneaking up on me." I say bluntly
"Still there was no need to put me on the floor like that" she says with a pout still plastered on her face.
"Sorry but don't sneak up on me again."
"Um are you ok?" Hajime asks the girl.
"Yep although she is strong for such a small girl!" Says the girl and after hearing those last words, I scowl. Nagito must've noticed as I heard him say something.
"Umm Y/N?" Nagito says concerned.
I immediately give the girl a death stare and say with an intimidating tone of voice "Don't call me small"
"Ahhhh" the girl stars to shake and hides behind Hajime.
"Haha anyway why don't you guys introduce yourselves?" Nagito says, desperately trying to change the tense atmosphere.
"I'm Hajime Hinata nice to meet you."
"I'm Y/N L/N the ultimate escape artist."
"YAY more new friends! This will be so much fun!"
"What's your name?" Hajime asks.
"I-bu-ki Mi-oh-da put em together and what do you get? IBUKI MIODA!" Ibuki yelled

"Ibuki is the ultimate musician, she can play a wide variety of instruments and was part of a very successful band before she left due to creative differences

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"Ibuki is the ultimate musician, she can play a wide variety of instruments and was part of a very successful band before she left due to creative differences."
"Woah that's impressive!" Hajime says, looking at the loud girl with wide eyes.
"Awwww your too nice! Ibuki likes you!"
"Anyway we should probably get going, after all there's more people to introduce you too." Nagito says with a small smile on his face at how hyper Ibuki seems to be.
"Awwww ok I will see you later! Byeeeee!" Ibuki says as she starts to walk away to explore more of the shop. Just as we start walking around again, we heard a loud crash come from one of the isles. We all rushed to find the source of the loud noise only to find a purple haired girl with bandages and an apron on the floor in a rather.......revealing position surrounded by boxes that had been knocked over.
"You two better not be thinking anything perverted." I say looking at the two males stood beside me, their faces bright pink. I approach the girl who was struggling on the floor, she had somehow managed to get tangled up in some wires that were inside one of the boxes, the other two were to flustered to try and help which was probably a good thing due to the placement of some of the wires. After a few minutes of untangling, the purple haired girl was freed.
"Ah I'm sorry to c...cause you so much t...trouble! This is embarrassing!" The girl stutters out, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
"No problem, you two can come over now," I say gesturing towards the two males who were awkwardly stood to the side.
"Oh right" Hajime says, his blush going down. "Are you ok now?"
"Oh um yes again I'm sorry! I'm so c...clumsy!" She says apologetically.
"Anyway, are you ready to introduce yourselves?" Nagito asks.
"I'm Y/N L/N the ultimate escape artist."
"And I'm Hajime Hinata um by the way what did you do to knock all these boxes over?"
"Um well I...I was just w...wondering what was in the b...boxes at the since they don't have l..labels and kinda...fell! AH I... I'M SORRY FOR C...CAUSING SUCH A MESS! I... I WILL CLEAN IT U...UP NOW!"she says panicking, her eyes glistening with tears.
"You forgot the introduction," I point out.
"oh r...right, I'm s...sorry! My name is M...Mikan Tsumiki and I'm the u...ultimate nurse."

"Mikan is extremely talented when it comes to medicine and has helped countless patients with there illnesses!" Nagito points out

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"Mikan is extremely talented when it comes to medicine and has helped countless patients with there illnesses!" Nagito points out.
"Well that could come in handy," I say, thinking of what could happen whilst we are staying on this island.
"R...really, my talent c...could be useful!" Mikan says looking surprised.
"Well yes! I mean if one of us get sick you could really help us!" Hajime exclaims.
"T...thank you! OH THE MESS I FORGOT! F...FORGIVE ME BUT I MUST C...CLEAN THIS UP!" Mikan frantically exclaims while running to put the boxes back on the shelves.
Not wanting to bother her anymore, we headed for the exit. As we past past the camping isle once again, I notice something on one of the shelves. A small pocket knife lay on the shelf glinting in the light. Without hesitation, I quickly grabbed it and put it into the satchel buckled to my leg,(you can't see it in the drawing but it is there). This could definitely come in handy if something goes wrong on this island and besides, having something to defend myself with at all times put me at ease.
"Hey Y/N are you coming?" Nagito asks, noticing the gap that had formed between us.
"Yeah just looking at something." I reply vaguely and once I catch up to them, we make our way to the next location.

Authors Notes!
Hey guys! I rly can't believe I have 3 reads already! I will try and update whenever I can and please let me know if your enjoying my content! Anyway hope you have a fantastic day, it is currently 04:20 am (not joking) and I'm dead inside.


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