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--------------------------------------WARNING MAY GET A LITTLE GRAPHIC--------------------------------------

Troye's POV

I woke up and instantly felt restrained. When I opened my eyes I was welcomed by my naked body tied up in many places

Arms, Feet, Forehead, Mouth, Hands, Legs, Belly, Thighs, and Chest

That's when I saw him, Greg. The amount of lust in his eyes was unfathomable.

All that was rushing though my mind, was not the time, place, date but where Tyler was and what he was thinking.

I then tried to yell for him, god knows why but I did.

Greg was nearing me now and stroking my leg.

"Would you like to speak" he leaned in "Tim Tam"

I shivered when I heard Tyler nickname for me.

I tried to swing at him forgetting that my arms were tied down.

"Oh I guess not then, now Troye I saw you with Tyler and I figured that I had to act fast in I wanted to take your virginity because if I waited Tyler might have done it for me and we could not have that could we?"

By that point I was sobbing, now all I could think about was my mother, and how ashamed she would be if she found out.

I tears had soaked my hair, as I was lying down and on the.... table I was constricted on.

I stayed like like now shaking and starting to have a panic attack when Greg spoke.

"Lets get started shall we?" he continued

I gave it everything in me to tried to break away the straps that were tying me down but it was no use,I was not strong enough.

That's when Greg started touching me, at first it was light and then it got progressingly harder as he neared my package.

Before I knew it was was pumping me, hard

This is no where close to how I thought my first time would be, it is supposed to be special and it is supposed to feel amazing.

This just hurt, f*cking hell it hurt.

Once I had become hard, which I did not even know happened because I was paying no attention, all I kept repeating was Tyler, Tyler help me, Tyler. I don't know why because he can do nothing right now, but that is all I could get out was Tyler help me.

Greg then stood and hovered over me "No lube Troye, I want this to be just us and I want you to feel EVERYTHING"

Then he put me in him and began moving up and down quickly.

With every insertion I felt worse and worse and more tears fell.

After he had came and got off and untied me, I tried to run, Oh did I try to run, but it was no use, he was too Strong and I was still hazy because of whatever drug he had gave me before.

He tied me back down but with my back facing upward. Okay just deep breaths Troye.

I tried to calm myself but there was no use, I am about to lose my virginity to a complete stranger, against my will, I am getting raped.

Greg did not put a tie on my mouth so I could speak.

"You no good motherfuçker" I said

"Now Troye there is no need to swear at your biggest fan and highest supporter, now like I said before no lube, I want you to feel EVERYTHING!"

That's when it happened, just like that he just slammed into me, it was a pain I had never felt before, the worst kind.

It was terrible. I started screaming, no yelling, no SHRIEKING in pain, it was unbearable, I tried to tell him to stop but could not form any words over the pain I was feeling.

After what felt like forever he was done, and that is when I blacked out once again.


I HATE WRITING ABOUT GREG OMG, I FEEL SO BAD, but that is how the story goes. Next chapter will be in Tyler's POV. I will try to upload soon. I actually wanted to make this chapter harsh because rape is harsh, and I'm not trying to glamourize it but it is the truth, it happens.



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