Your First Kiss

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*Jeff's POV*

I guess I kinda like Y/N. No I don't! What am I saying!? Well she is pretty... No Jeff! You're a killer! You have to kill her tonight! I enter Y/N's house through the kitchen window and land loudly. I hear footsteps heading towards me. Oh no. Y/N is around the corner in the hall. I pull out my knife and get ready to tackle her. She turns the corner and we are both on the floor in seconds. I had her down. Now all I had to do is kill her.

"J-Jeff..." She says.

"G-Go...." I start and her eyes widen.

"Jeff no! Don't do this!" She pleads.

"T-to...." I continue.

"Jeff please!" She cries.

"S-Sleep!" I yell and bring down my knife.

*Reader's POV*

"S-Sleep!" I hear from below Jeff and his arm swings down and I brace for the impact. But it doesn't come. He didn't hit me. He hit the floor beside me. I look up at him. I couldn't see his face. His hair was covering it.

"Jeff....?" I whisper. But I soon look straight at Jeff. He was looking into my eyes. Then he kisses me. Jeff the Killer is kissing me. What!? How!? Why!? Omg!!! I kiss him back happily. This was a miracle. I didn't know why he was kissing me though. He pulls away.

"S-Sorry..." Jeff whispers.

"It's fine." I say giving him a smile. He sends one back.

"Okay." He says.

"That was my first kiss Jeff." I whisper.

"W-what!?" He chokes out. Was he surprised? Really?

(Ouuuuh! First kissssssssssss! Ima snake. Not. Lol. Hope you liked it. Byez!!!)

I'm Not Going To Sleep (Jeff the Killer x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin