Dealing With BEN and Jeff Gets Mad

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*Reader's POV*

It was hard to deal with Jeff. I knew eventually we would break up. It had been 2 weeks now that we have been together. He always goes killing. I always tell him that I'm not going with him. But he still asks. Does he know that he's talking to a human?

"Y/N I'm leaving again, you sure you don't wanna come?" Jeff asks.

"Yes. I'll be fine." I say and turn to my laptop. "I will always have Bob." I say gesturing to my laptop.

"Haha. Okay. I'll be back later." Jeff says and jumps out my window. I turn on my laptop and start checking Twitter and Facebook. All my social networks. After a few hours a box appears saying "Hi." There were two buttons. One saying "Bye." and the other "Hi." I chose "Bye." because I don't know who I'm talking to. Then another one appears saying "You shouldn't have done that." Then my screen goes black.

"W-What!?" I scream at Bob.

"Let's try this again. Hi." I see a character like Link come out of my laptop. What!?

"H-Hi..?" I say backing away slightly after getting a glance at his eyes.

"You're hot, you know that right?" He says.

"U-Uhh.... Thanks." I say and stop. He walks up to me.

"I'm BEN. Jeff has been telling me lies." He states.

"Jeff? What lies?" I say quickly.

"He told me he had a pretty girlfriend."

"That would be me." I say offended.

"Yeah. But you aren't his. You are mine." BEN says and grabs my waist pulling me to him. I squeal and he silences me with a kiss. That's when Jeff walks in.

"Y-Y/N?" Jeff says.

"Jeff! It's not what you think! BEN-"

"Just shut up! I knew I should've killed you!" Jeff yells and points his bloodied knife at me. My heart stops at his words and BEN leaves.

"J-Jeff..." I say before fainting from loss of air. I stopped breathing.

*Jeff's POV*

I watch as Y/N faints. Ugh. Stupid human. I knew I couldn't trust her. Why did I ever? Why did she have to be so beautiful? No! No Jeff! Stop! She cheated on you! You hate her! No I don't... Yes you do! No. I don't. Ugh. Whatever. I walk over to Y/N and lay her on her bed. She at least deserves that. Then I just jump out the window and leave. One thing I wanted to know is why she fainted.

(Aww..... I am so mean. Breaking up you and Jeff. Sorry.)

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