2. Why me

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The dreading Bio lecture was over, but it wasn't half as bad since I met this really nice friend, her name was Sophia and she transferred from a college in Manhattan to get her license in nutrition, and my other friend Kayla, she is a basketball player and also my lab groupie. They are both nice and openminded people.

I finally get to breathe freedom for today, now I just have to wait for Elza. She is super boring to be honest, but I get along with her well because we understand each other's feelings. Well, there I see her.

"Elza what took you so long I've been waiting here since 2 centuries"

"It's not my fault, I had to talk to the professor about the upcoming Jewish holiday",

I forget got to say but all of my friends are a bit sassy and one thing that is cool about me is that I have friends from all over the world, Elza is half Argentinan and half Jewish, I got friends from Russia, China, Ukraine, Mexico, Italy, Germany, India, middle east and of course the US.

"What happened to your financial stuff?"

"I'm working on it and I got an appointment today"

"What time?"

"around like 4 p.m"

"I told you to stay on top of your things but you never listen", she's right about that I haven't been myself and I barely stay on top of my things ever since senior year in High school. It's like I don't wanna live but I'm too scared to die like this, it's not like I'm suicidal and I have hopes about my future and my crush's future, I wanna see him be happy and get married even if not to me. I know it's sad but I start to feel like this because I love him. Wait scratch that I've been feeling like this for a long time because I always thought I wasn't good enough until I realized I am good enough but we are just not compatible, he's exactly the opposite of me and there is a thing that every good girl falls in love with a badass guy, isn't it typical? Yeah, it is but what we had was much deeper than that, at least I think it was.


"Huh, what oh sorry I was daydreaming"

"You always daydream, is it about Kymran again?"

"Who else"

"And I was asking if you're gonna wait with me until your appointment, we can meet up with Melissa and have fun together"

"Yeah I always wait with you " I replied

we hung out together for a few hours until it was her English class which I waited for an extra hour until her class was over. I just sat in the hallway and got myself a soda from the vending machine. She came out and we met up with Melissa, three of us decided to check out the gym in the college. I also managed to quickly go to my appointment and apparently, they said I have to wait for my FAFSA and I haven't gotten any money from my other applications which was sad, but I didn't let it get to me.

We didn't get to work out properly since both of them had a class soon, we left and casually walked around the campus. Melissa went

to her class and Me and Elza sat on the bench comfortably until Kymran came. I had a feeling he would come but suddenly yet again I found myself nervous which I hate myself for it.


"hi..." I said

Then he turned around and started to have a conversation with Elza in which I felt like a third wheel. It's just that I get numb when he's around unable to produce words and unable to express negative emotions because I forget my worries even though I have huge ones.

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