changing weather

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< perspective: moomin >

As if it were magic, small flurries silently drifted in zig-zags, attaching to lightly leave filled oak trees, finally settling on the cold rough cement. Everyone who lives or has lived in Moominvalley knows Autumn doesn't last as long as summer or winter, nothing caught them differently this particular day. 

Moomintroll kept track of these days like a predator does with prey, not because he liked being outside, but rather a relationship was dangling out of his grasp. 

With his eyes gazing on every falling piece of frozen water, each one  passing his view filled his heart with an aching sensation.  So much so time passed quicker then the previous day. 

Eyes widened, Moomintroll scrambled to his feet, speeding past the kitchen with Moominmama making her famous stew. Now outside, longing to see the green brimmed hat one last time this year. 

By the bridge, stood Snufkin. Facing the forest, Moomin knew he timed the goodbye perfectly. 

"Snufkin!" Moomintroll still panting from the sprint from Moomin house. 

Snufkin spun, tipped his hat, and gave Moomintroll his signature side smile. "Moomintroll."

Immediately embarrassed, Moomin leaned against the rim of the bridge, the bridge where he and Snufkin share everything, fishing and all. 

Moomin finally spoke, with not too much worry or compassion. "Winter again."

"Ah, early again." Snufkin agreed. 

In both eagerness and love, Moomintroll gave him a quick embrace. Snufkin chuckled, and let go. The friends exchanged smiles, and as if it wasn't long at all, Snufkin set off until the Spring. 

Moomintroll stepped back onto the sidewalk, silently leaning onto the bridge. For some obscure reason, he felt more alone then ever. 

Falling backward against the posts, Moomintroll eased his mind, listening only to the rush of water slowly freezing below him.   

seasons (a snufmin fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now