10. The Challenge

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"What do you mean with special operation?" Abubakar asked.

Adam spoke softly "If people should find out that I steal, it'll somehow affect my father. But yet, I don't want my expertise to go unacknowledged by the general public. I want a challenge"

"And what is your gain if people acknowledge this expertise of yours?" Abubakar muttered.

"I honestly don't know. I feel like if I resign just like that, it will be a waste of talent. I don't want to go out without doing something dramatic" Adam blurted.

Abubakar was puzzled "What do you mean, what exactly are you talking about"

"I want to reach the apex of this career before I quit. I want to do something unthinkable. Like stealing a Governor's phone, you see. Or a General's phone. Something like that. Or maybe, I attend a gathering and steal like thirty to fifty phones and not get caught. And if I get caught, I....I promise you I will not be caught.....I dare to dare me" Adam clenched his teeth as he spoke.

Abubakar smirked and said "That's an impossibility. First thing is that I'll never dare you, second thing is that what you're thinking of doing is very dangerous if not possible. Third thing is you're trying to risk your life. Thieves are being beaten to death in Nigeria and you're...."

"I am never gonna get caught" Adam interjected."How is it that you don't understand? Why do you like casting fear into me. I told you several times that I'm never going to get caught. Never, never, never....oh my God Abubakar you won't understand."

"No" Abubakar raised his voice to make his point. "It is you Adam, who wouldn't understand. You steal 999 items and you may decide to stop stealing at your 1000th, there's high tendency you'll get caught that day....and they'll make you pay for the 999 that you stole. Why should you want to make people know that you're good at stealing? Its not like you're good at programming or experimental designs or anything that people with sense will applaud you for. it'll only destroy your reputation."

"What's my reputation now?" Adam asked. "Who even knows me?"

Abubakar was about to start talking when he noticed Adam's sister and the maid going towards the gate. He tried hard not to look at them but he couldn't help it. He instantly forgot what he was about to say. Adam noticed what he was looking at and he allowed him to enjoy the moment.

When the ladies exited through the gate, Abubakar turned and looked at Adam. He realized that Adam was looking at him as he was looking at the girls. When their eyes met, shame registered on the eyes of Abubakar. Adam smiled and said "you were about to say something"

"What...what.... was I saying?"

Adam laughed. "Forget about it, I wasn't interested. Its almost time for Asr prayer. Let me get us some food"

"You aren't going anywhere. There's still about 40 minutes to the prayer time. We must conclude our discussion" Abubakar said.

"What were we talking about? I told you what I intend to do. Please don't try to stop me because you can't. I make my own decisions and I'm going to do what I told you".

"You are not going to do anything. I won't let you. It wouldn't happen." Abubakar said.

Adam poured a glass of drink and sipped "Well let me see how you are going to stop me. If you press harder I will simply unfriend you and you wouldn't see or hear from me again. I have my things all planned. I told you all that I have told you because I really want to stop the act. You stopping me isn't part of my plans Abubakar, so stop trying. I want you to assist me. That's all that I need from you at this juncture"

"What kind of help is that you are talking about?" Abubakar asked.

"I don't know" Adam explained "I will need you when I carry out any of the operations that I mentioned. I don't think I can do any of them alone. I haven't planned out how to carry the operations though but I believe that they are not totally impossible and also, that I may need someone to assist me. All you might have to do is....."

Abubakar shook his head. "I am not going to do anything man. I am not like you. I have a reputation. Many people know me. So forget about it. I wouldn't get myself involved in some shady deal. On that you're completely on your own. No one is going to help you"

"What about U mar?" Adam asked.

"What about him? He knows nothing yet. He asked me questions and I told him that I can't tell him anything until I ask for your permission. If I have ten percent intention of helping you, trust me, Umar will have minus ten. He is a no-nonsense kind of guy. What you are proposing is sheer nonsense."

"Well, its fine. I am not going to force you." Then there was silence before Adam continued talking. "Abubakar, I never had any fear of being caught before stealing until I met you. You have destroyed my strength. You are now the source of my weakness. I'm afraid I might get caught. But that wouldn't stop me. If I am going to get caught....so be it. You see, now that I'm afraid, I need protection. If I get caught, I may be beaten....who knows to what extent. I might be imprisoned and that will hurt my sister.....my father and my mother. So all that I may have wanted from you is to standby when I do my thing, if I get caught, you will stop people from hurting me or...or killing me. That's all I need"

"I am not going to do it. You want me beaten also, or to be imprisoned together with you. Because no idiot will believe me. Shit, why am I even picturing it" Abubakar placed the palm of his hands on his forehead.

"Look, Abubakar, I have been recording this conversation. Everyone will believe you. It will deescalate the tension. I will have a separate recording with more explanation that I'll give you. I am doing it Abubakar"

"Well, Adam, I have given you my words. If you insist on doing it, my own is to only wish you good luck. So good luck Adam. I am going home"

Abubakar stood up. Adam also stood and said "Thank you Abubakar, pray for me"

"I will. Take care" Adam watched Abubakar head towards the gate.


The following day in the afternoon, Abubakar received a message from Adam and it reads: "What's up man? Hope all is cool? Wanted to tell you that the governor's daughter is getting married. Dinner is on Thursday and that will be the day. Will secure 2 tickets. Take care"


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