Chapter 5

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Kamryn's POV

"So your saying you guys are going to be home alone for 2weeks" Theo asked I and my brothers as we stepped into the hallway of our school " yeah I guess" I answered him " sweet we are going to throw a lot of parties" he said rubbing his hands together and smiling " not in my house you won't" I said to him going to my locker.

I entered my math class and sat in the middle beside Kyle " hey" he greeted me and I returned it with a smile 😊. " I thought you were not coming since you hate math" Theo said beside me.

" if I had a choice I wouldn't be here trust me" I replied and face the teacher since he started teaching.


" hey I haven't seen you all day" Blair said as I sat beside her in English class " geez we sat together during lunch"I stared at her in shock " well I still missed my bestie" she said hugging me "don't be so creepy now" I said smiling at her "well I think your the one being weird" A familiar voice said

"Hey mind your business" I said to chase " okay but I know your still mad at me cause I gave your number to Ivan and am sorry but I had too" he said in a rush " your lucky I like you" I said to him smiling "what about me" the devil himself said to me " what the fuck are you doing here" I fired at him.

" the same reason your here" he said with a grin " but you don't go to school here" I said to him " of course he does" Blair and chase said in sync "how don't you know me and you have been in this school for 4years now" he said to me.

" because she always keeps to herself and if she isn't talking to the gang she's drawing something or painting" Blair answers my question " I can talk for my self thank you" I said looking at Blair "how about I bring some thrills in your life" Ivan said taking the seat beside me and chase following him.

" Thanks but no my life is filled with enough thrills already" I said to him " nahhh I doubt that but am till willing to do it" he said bringing out his books as the teacher enters the class.


" hey mom ,yh we just got back from school" I spoke to my mom through the phone " yh we're alright but I miss you too ..... k, love you too bye" I said ending the call.

" what did mom say" Kevin said sitting beside me on the couch " uhmm..something about Dads colleague children are coming over to say hi" I said looking at him " ok cool I'll be in my room" he is said getting up.

I got up and went to my room and changed into a a blue jean bom short and and a red baggy shirt. I got out my books and quickly did my assignments so my mind could be off it.

After a while I started hearing noises coming from downstairs so I got out of my bed and went downstairs to check it out " Kyle what's going on" I said sliding down the stairs " yeah we have visitors" he replied " I don't think the Gang can be called visitors" I replied reaching the end of the railing.

" what the the hell are you doing here" I said to Ivan shocked " we came to say hi" he said gesturing towards him and an extremely handsome guy that looks slightly older than us.

" Hey am Zach, Ivan's older brother" the handsome guy said bringing his hand out for a shake " Am kamryn and it's nice to meet you Zachary" I said with a smile shaking his hand.

" I like you already" Zach said giving me a knowing look cause I said his full name " so your the kids my dad was telling us that were coming over"I said taking a sit on the couch beside Kevin " yeah, our sisters here but she ran off with Lara jean" Ivan said looking at me. But I totally ignored him and started talking to his brother.

" so how does it feel being a doctor" I said to Zach curiously " it's great cause you get to save life and bring new ones into the world" he said with a sweet smile unlike the smirk Ivan can't do without.

" I love the fact your nothing like Ivan" I said glaring at Ivan " don't stress doll you will get used to it" Ivan said with his all famous smirk " sure" I replied with full sarcasm.

" OMG that movie was so emotional" I looked up towards the voice to see a very pretty girl with black straight hair walking down the stairs with a smiling Lara jean.

" I know right , and I thought five feet apart was sad" Lara jean said approaching us " hey uhh Bella this is my sister kamryn ...kamryn this is Bella" LJ introduced us to eachother " hi it's nice to meet you" I said with a smile " same and I've seen you around school though.......and your really pretty" she said shocking with her last sentence " Thanks".

" so who's down to watch a movie" Kevin said getting everyone's attention

" hey I think we need to head back home now" Zach said during the third movie " " yeah it's getting pretty late and am so sleepy" Bella said with a yawn.

" Hope to see you again soon" Zach said to me as he opens the door " yeah me too" I said to him before he walks out " See you at school kam" Bella Said walking out " I know you'll miss me more" Ivan said standing in front of me and I have to look cause am a 5'8 and his probably a 6'1.

" keep telling yourself that" I said patting his shoulder " I will and see you in school tomorrow" he said giving me a peck on the cheeks and walking out the front door.

If there was anything beyond shock that is what am feeling right now I tried moving but it seems like my feet aren't listening to my brain cause they are stuck to the floor " if you want more you can go after him you know I won't tell mom and dad" Kyle whispered into my ear.

" fuck off"I said pushing him off my shoulder but he ended up on the floor " oopsy" I said before going up the stairs and head to bed.

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