Chapter 1

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

Jaune Arc, a young man with a big heart and a big dream, he wants to be a Huntsman, but not because of the fame or the money, but because he wants to help people.

Everything could have gone so well until Cardin Winchester, the biggest bully at Beacon, revealed his greatest secret. He cheated his way in Beacon, he got false transcripts and that's how he came to Beacon.

Jaune thought that after saving Cardin from an Ursa that he would change, he thought wrong. It didn't even take a whole day for the entire school to know his secret.

Ruby screamed at him and said she was ashamed of him and ignored him from there.

Weiss hated him even more than usual, she insulted him more often and called him a shame for the school and his family.

Blake hadn't really said anything, but you could see the hatred in her eyes.

Yang beat him up and told him to stay away from Ruby.

Nora started to cry and called him a fake.

Ren hit him in the face and said that he should stay away from him and Nora and that he shouldn't come back to the dorm at all.

Pyrrha looked at him with disgust and said that he should leave school.

After a week of sleeping on the roof, he was called up to Ozpin's office. He was bullied a lot by the other students over the week and that still hasn't changed. When he arrives at Ozpin's office, Ozpin and Glynda greet him with a sad expression on their faces.

It wasn't long before Ozpin said he was forced to throw him out of Beacon. At that moment he falls on his knees because his dream has been destroyed. Glynda went to him and hugged him. When Jaune got back on his feet and wanted to go outside, Ozpin stopped him again.

Ozpin had to tell him that his family had disowned him and that they wanted Crocea Mors back. Jaune put the sword on the desk and made his way out of school, but not with a bullhead, he went into the Emerald Forest without a weapon.

And that leads us to now, it's night as Jaune is lying on a tree with a gaping wound on his stomach from which blood is pouring and three Alpha Beowolfs in front of him.

Jaune: That's how I die, what a shitty life...

He closes his eyes and waits for death, but it never came. He opened his eyes again and saw the three rages dissolve in smoke and a dark human-like creature stood before him.

 He opened his eyes again and saw the three rages dissolve in smoke and a dark human-like creature stood before him

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???: Well hello there.

Jaune looks at him weakly.

Jaune: Who are you?

???: You can call me Hollow. I'm the demon lord.

This frightens Jaune and causes him to move closer to the tree.

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