Chapter 4

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

A little girl runs through the dark forest, she cannot be older than six years. She runs away in front of two people, a man and a woman. The girl's face is soaked with tears and there are bruises all over her body.

The little girl stumbles over a root from a tree, she falls to the ground and lets out a cry of pain. She tries to get up quickly, but the man puts one of his feet on her back so that she can't get up.

The girl looks at the man and the woman with a pleading look.

???: Mother, Father, please not...

Man: Why shouldn't we?

Woman: Our whole life is ruined because of you. We were famous Huntsman, but then we had to take a break when you were born, when we finally wanted to go back to work, but nobody knew us anymore, because of that we didn't got any good Missions anymore.

Man: You should have just listened to our orders, but no you always have to do everything wrong you were a mistake from the start. But that's enough for us now.

The man lifts his sword and the little girl closes her eyes. But before the man could swing his sword, an arrow hit him in the shoulder, he stumbled off the girl and held his bleeding wound.

Man: Who the fuck?!

The man and woman look in the direction where the arrow came from and they see Jaune and Aoi standing there. Aoi has in her hand her snake that forms a bow. Jaune and Aoi glares at the man and the woman in rage. The woman points her spear at the two with a bit of concern in her voice, since she has never seen people who look like this, she says.

Woman: Who are you?

Jaune: That doesn't matter right now. What do you think you're doing?

Aoi: I would like to know that also.

Man: We take care of this useless piece of shit.

Aoi: Aren't you her parents?

Woman: Sadly yes.

This statement only makes Jaune and Aoi angrier.

Aoi: How can you say something like that!? She's your daughter not your slave!

Jaune: I have to agree with my girlfriend. What kind of Parents are you?! The task of a mother and a father is to protect their children till the bitter end!

Aoi: It is also their job to love their children no matter what they do!

Man: What do you know?

Jaune: More than you apparently.

Man: Fuck off, we are Huntsman you stand no chance.

Aoi: Too bad for you, my boyfriend here hates Huntsman, and I also hate them. Jaune you can have the man, I want this bitch of a mother.

Jaune nods and appears out of nowhere in front of the man, before the man can do something, Jaune grabs his neck and begins to choke him.

Jaune: You deserve this. You are no father, I would do everything to protect this girl if she was my daughter.

With a swift hand movement, Jaune breaks the man's neck. The man falls dead on the floor, his wife drops her spear and tries to run away, but Aoi shoots two arrows into her legs. She walks up to the woman and stares full of hatred at her.

Aoi: You carried this little girl for nine months under your heart and thats how you treat her, no this world don't need you.

She looks at her snake and points to the woman.

Aoi: Ryuji your meal.

Ryuji nods and attacks the woman, she screams briefly but then her scream falls into nowhere. Aoi goes to Jaune, who has the little girl in his arms. The little girl fainted while the two talked to their "parents". Aoi takes a closer look at the girl and starts to panic.

Aoi: Jaune, she has internal injuries that bleed profusely, we have to do something.

Jaune: I only know one solution.

Aoi: Do it. Turn her into a demon.

Jaune: Are you sure?

Aoi: We can take care of her, I don't want that she dies.

Jaune nods and begins to transform the girl. After the transformation, the girl has white blue hair, the same porcelain skin as Aoi and red eyes. A little white snake is around her arm and looks at the two adults. But the girl is still asleep.

(With Red eyes)

(With Red eyes)

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The girl slowly opens her eyes and sees that she is in a dark room that is only lit by a few candles. She sits up slowly and looks around, noticing that someone has put her in a futon.

Aoi: You're awake.

The girl sees Aoi and Jaune sitting next to her with worried faces, she also notices that there is a tray with food next to Aoi.

Jaune: We were worried about you. I will be direct with you, you were about to die, that's why I needed to turn you into what we are, a demon.

The girl wasn't afraid, but she just nodded. Aoi put the tray with food next to her with a smile.

Aoi: I have something to eat for you.

The girl is suprised and asked.

???: Is that really for me?

Aoi: Of course, by the way I'm Aoi and thats Jaune.

???: I'm Yui.

Jaune: That's a really beautiful name.

Yui: Thank you... papa.

This shocked Aoi and Jaune, the little girl called Jaune papa.

Jaune: Why did you call me "papa"?

Yui: I heard what you and mama said to my old parents, that real parents should care for they child and protect them. You two were the first person who really cared about me. Is it okay that I call you Papa and Mama?

Jaune and Aoi looked at each other and nods. Aoi brings Yui in a hug and strokes her hair. Jaune also joins the hug with a warm smile on his face.

Aoi: Of course it's okay sweetie. We will protect you no matter what.

Jaune: Because that's our duty as parents.

To be continued.

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