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"Okay sounds good...I will get your laptop...then a few snacks" He says.

Ruel's Pov
I go to get some snacks and Morgan's laptop. "Hey mum" I say. "Yes hun whats up.." She says while preparing some food "Do you have any permanent markers?" I ask "Yes i have a set i got as a present today acutally! You can borrow some...why do you need them" She says "To sign Morgan's cast" I say "Aww thats nice go wild then. Your uncle's aunties cousins and all that will be here in like 1hr to 2 so better be ready by then." My mum says. I grab some vegetable crisps and some dip. Then I go to grab Morgan's laptop. Then some knocking comes from the front door. I put everything down on the sofa and answer it. "Mum Coco and Slyvie are here!" I say while hugging the both of them. "Okay let go now...news has it Morgan is here where is she?" Slyvie asks "Out back with the dogs" i say "Since when do we have "dogs" " Coco says "Morgan's dog Maze came along too. " I say. They go to Mum and then Morgan.

Then i heard coco shout. "MUM come quick!" She says. I rush out with my Mum. Morgan had thrown up everywhere and got it all over her clothes. "Slyvie can you mop this up please" My mum says "Yup I'll be right back" She says "Morgan are you okay how do you feel hun?" My mum asks "Crap real crap i think im sick..." She says and then vomits some more. "Okay Lay down and then Ill get the shower ready for you and i can wrap some plastic around your cast and then put a plastic bag over top." She says. "Want me to help her to bed Mum?" I say. "Yes please and make surw she a has a wet cloth on her forehead" She says. I pick Morgan up and take her up to my bed. I go into my bathroom and damp a cloth and then i put it on her forehead. I sit on my bedside table and stroke her head while reassuring her. "How you feeling now?" I ask in a soft voice "Not as crappy but i still feel like sh*t" She says.

Short Chapter Sorry But Like I said in my description of my story start commenting on what should happen next or in the story to come. Thanks and have a good day✌✌

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