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Ruels helps me up the stairs and into his room. "I have two suitcases you can borrow one and you can borrow some clothes from me that kinda don't fit and I have a few pairs of shoes that I bought that don't fit so you can have them. I'll pack both bags. You sit down and relax. " Ruels says "Okay thank you" I say and then I hug him. A few minutes later Ruel had finished packing and then we made our way downstairs. My mom and dads car gets packed with all the bags leaving room for only Avery. Ruels parents car is a 5 seater and that means i have no ride. "Ill just get a uber there Mom"   I say. "Honey are you sure?" My Mom says. "Yes " I say and start calling a uber. "Ill go with Morgan" Ruel says. "Okay look after her please Ruel and ahh Be safe!" Says my mom. Everyone starts driving and me and Ruel sit down on the brick wall waiting for the uber. "This isnt very nice to sit on you can sit on my leg if you need to " Ruel says. "Thanks" I say and i sit on the left side of his lap. Then he hugs me from behind. I smile big. I lean back and rest my head on his chest.

Ruels Pov
I looked down at her and smiled and hugged her tighter. I think I might like her more than just a best friend. Then she starts shaking. "Are you cold?" I ask "Yeah and i packed my hoodie away in  the suitcase." Morgan says. I start taking my hoodie off and I put it on her. She turns around and looks at me. She looks at me for a while and then hugs me tight. Then the uber pulls up. "Morgan the uber is here!" I say "Oh okay" She says and then uses her crutches to get to the car. I sit next to her and then the uber drives off. I get my phone out and connect my airpods and then me and Morgan start watching a movie for the long car ride. Half way through the movie she fell asleep on me so i paused it and fell asleep myself.

(At the Lake House)

We get out and thank the uber driver and then we go up  to the front door and knock. ''They made it" shouts Avery. She hugs us both.

Morgans Pov

I sat down on the nearest chair because my leg started hurting. It got so painful I started to cry. ''Hey Morgan I was thi...Whats the matter?" Ruel says and then hugs me. "M-my leg hurts so bad right now and I forgot my medication." I say "Ill see what my mum has in  the first aid kit okay" Ruel  says.

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