Chapter 8:A Sweetheart

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Trixie's POV

  Katya was a sweetheart. She made sure I was comfortable and happy. "How was your food Trixie?"

"It was good, thank you."

"What would you like to do now?"

"We could watch movies?"

"That sounds good." Katya took my hand and walked me out of the kitchen, into her living room.



"You have a very beautiful home."

"Well, thank you. Would you like a glass of wine?"

"Oh sure."

"Okay, you pick something to watch." Katya stood up and disappeared back into the kitchen. I flipped through the channels, trying to find a good movie. After settling on some horror movie, I set the remote down. My eyes were drawn to a guitar sitting on the ground beside a red armchair. I stood up and walked to the guitar, picking it up. I chuckled as I looked over the guitar.

"Katya?" I walked into the kitchen with the guitar in my hands.


"Is this yours?" Katya turned around from her wine cabinet.

"Oh yeah, it was one of the gifts I got when I took my father's place. It is just some old guitar, why?"

"Some old guitar? This is a Martin OM-45 Deluxe."

"That means?"

"It is a super rare guitar Katya, a very expensive guitar."

"Well my bad. I don't know much about guitars but I know something about wine at least." Katya held up a wine bottle and two glasses. "Come on." I followed Katya to the living room as I focused on the guitar. I sat on the sofa with Katya, watching her pour both of us a glass of wine. She handed me a glass with a smile. "Enjoy."


"So, you seem to know a lot about guitars."

"I should, my grandfather would come from his grave and haunt me if I didn't." Katya put her feet on the sofa as she smiled at me. "What?"

"I just like you." I couldn't help but laugh at Katya.

"You are a crazy woman."

"Well, thank you. So, do you know how to play?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Play for me?"

"Hmm, what's in it for me?"

"A hug?"

"I don't do hugs."

"Oh, you fucking liar."


"Fine, you can have it if you play for me?"

"Wait, have it? It is yours."

"I don't have a musical bone in my fucking body so I have no need for it kukla. It would make me happy to know that you could be naked on your bed, just playing it."

"Naked? What makes you think I play naked?"

"Heat of the moment and too many romance movies."

"Uh huh." I shook my head as I held the guitar. I slowly and softly let my fingers run over the strings before settling into a slow melody. I started to hum along with the melody of the guitar. I let myself go into my own world, forgetting about my surroundings. It was nice to play a guitar again, nice to feel the cold strings against my fingers. I slowly brought the melody to an end, finally looking at Katya. Katya was smiling at me, a small bright smile. "What?"

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