Chapter 24:Sleep

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Katya's POV

"This is harder than I thought it'd be."

"Baby, it's only been a day." I wrote out different notes as Trixie whined in my ear.

"I don't care."

"How are your friends?"

"They are good, but they have to leave soon. Aja has classes. She also has to work, and Jaymes has classes also. So, I'll be alone all day."

"Go shopping."


"Yes, take one of the cars and go. Make sure to take Eddie with you though."

"The big scary guy with the scar over his eye?"

"Yes, the big scary guy."


"Because you will be in a Zamochickla car, makes you a target."

"Well, that doesn't make me more terrified of being in huge ass house alone."

"Sorry baby."

"Katya, can't I just catch a flight to you?"

"Unfortunately, no."

"But why?"

"Because princess, I have so much to do. I would feel bad if you just sat in my family house all alone."

"What's the difference now?"

"Trixie, be a good girl." I stood up from my chair and looked out of the large window that overlooked my family's estate. I smirked as I heard Trixie let out a tiny whine. "I may not be there but my words hold the same power. I fucked you good enough that you won't forget, no matter where in the world I am."

"Oh shut up."

"Tell me, have you made yourself cum in my bed yet?" I could hear Trixie shuffle around, a sign that my words were getting to her. "Answer me baby girl."


"No, what?'

"No, I have not made myself cum in your bed."

"Awe, why not?" I lit a cigarette and took a long drag.

"Aja slept in the bed with me last night."

"May I ask why?"

"She wanted to."

"Uh huh, or was is because you don't want to sleep alone?"

"Don't be an ass."

"I'm not sweetie, I'm just asking a simple question."

"Sure you are. So?"


"How is everything there?"

"Annoying as expected. My father's family got wind that I would be here and well they have stopped by every few hours. It makes it so hard to get things done."

"They just miss you."

"No, they want to make sure that I don't fucked anything up. I haven't really been keeping them updated with how things with the business has been going."

"Well, maybe you should talk more?"

"Too much work and my dad didn't leave it to them so it's none of their concern."

"You are snappy today. Are you okay?" I took a deep breathe and looked at my phone, smiling softly at my wallpaper. It was a picture of Trixie, a picture I took after she spent her first night with me. She looled beautiful, bare face with rosy cheeks.

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