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Rey and Ben decided it was time to go back to Naboo. Maz promised to show up in 8 months time to help with the birth. Rey was giddy at the thought, but knew the force would guide her when the time came.

On Naboo, they temporarily settled back into their tiny shepherds' cottage, but they knew this wouldn't be a long term solution.  It was no place to raise a baby. There was the family palace and the various estates that Leia had inherited from her birth mother; but Ben knew it would be a very long process to get the rights over any of it for him and his family. He was the natural heir to it all, but proving his identity would potentially open him up to legal action, if anyone knew that "Kylo Ren" was still at large. Not to mention he was glowing blue.

As of now, everyone in authority thought he was dead except for their trusted group of friends; and there weren't many people alive who would recognize him as Kylo Ren by his face. He had rarely spent time without his mask when not present on First Order territory. However, reclaiming to be Ben Solo legally and going through the court processes might throw him into dicey waters. Although no one could harm him in any way save one (by harming Rey) he was apprehensive for her, and it was even more important now than ever to keep Rey and the baby safe.

After a lot of thought and consultation, they decided to use some of the currency Rey had earned over her years working missions for the resistance to buy a home for themselves. They contacted Finn, who arranged to have the credits transferred to an account on Naboo. They used half of it to buy a small but beautiful farm in the countryside, not too far from the tiny cottage where they spent their honeymoon. The property had a gorgeous little solar paneled house, made with the pink tinted wood of the trees native to the area; self sufficient in every way, with a lush garden and stream full of fish, backed by an ancient forest. It had been abandoned for several years, after the death of the old couple who built it.

By the time they had moved in and settled, Rey was 5 months along in her pregnancy. They could sense now it was a girl, much to Ben's delight. Rey eagerly prepared the interior of the little house, and made lists of the supplies they would need, as Ben cheerfully oversaw repairs and worked on their home. As Rey looked on at Ben while he worked, it occurred to her that he seemed less obviously "blue" and more like his old self than formerly. But it may have been a trick of the clear light of Naboo's bright star, or else her emotions were playing with her.

One of the most unforeseen side effects of this pregnancy on Rey, was to randomly make her an emotional mess. They would be sitting lovingly together one moment, and the next she would be sobbing hysterically. A concerned Ben would hold her and entreat her to let him share her grief and sadness. Tell him what was the matter? Was she ill, or afraid, or did she miss her friends? Was she homesick? Did she need anything at all? To all of these things Rey would just say no, no! And cry harder, clinging to Ben's neck. This was so unlike the strong, emotionally stable woman that Rey normally was, that Ben grew worried sick.

Finally, her flow of tears would dry, her ragged breath would slow, and she would explain that it was her memories of losing Ben that haunted her. That she would look at his face and then suddenly be reliving the moment she lost him on Exegol, or be overcome with the memories of her abandonment as a child. She knew it was irrational, and that Ben was with her, their baby safe in her womb; but bringing a child into their life was scary, she couldn't bear the idea of anything happening to cause the baby to ever be split up from her family.

Ben would rock her, soothing her mind, reassuring her that they would NEVER abandon their daughter, NEVER send her away, or even be parted from her for a single day! And she would soon be back to her bubbly, cheerful self, absorbed in her husband and their life.

She and Ben had taken several supply trips to neighboring bustling planets during the next few months, to stock up on necessities and other comforts, including both a house droid and medical droid of their own to keep on hand. Rey breathlessly noticed during the last trip they had taken in her 8th month of pregnancy, that Ben hadn't needed to wear gloves with his enveloping cloak when they walked around the city; his hands and feet were no longer glowing blue strongly enough to be noticed in the brightness of the day, besides a slight, barely noticeable tinge.

This slight and gradual change in Ben was another reason of worry to Rey. She didn't know what it meant... was he getting stronger, or was he getting weaker? Ben noticed the change as well, but wisely (or, perhaps, unwisely) decided not to mention it, tenderly thinking of his dear wife's overwrought feelings, and not wanting to worry her more.

He did sense that the bigger and stronger their baby grew, the clearer and more human like he felt. His sleep patterns were less tied up in Rey's, he could easily stay awake now when she slept, and many mornings lately when he would wake up, he found she had already risen and breakfasted much earlier. And then, he had actually felt real hunger one day, that didn't go away even when Rey ate her fill. It was a week before Rey started her 9th month of pregnancy, and his hunger was actually appeased when he secretly took a few bites of "human" food. Force energy just wasn't satisfying him anymore as it used too. It was the first time since he purchased the wedding necklace on Jedha that he had kept something a secret from Rey, and it made him feel guilty.

One event occurred then to give him several thoughtful, sleepless nights. As he was working in the garden one day, a Shaak shepherd passed by with his herd, and waved over, calling out "Halloooo neighbor!" Ben looked around, sure he must have been talking to Rey. Suddenly, it dawned on him that she was taking a nap in their bedroom, and that he was not putting any force effort at all into being visible, and he froze in surprise. He looked straight at the shepherd and waved tentatively, and the shepherd grinned and waved back. Ben was visible now, without trying to be. 


Rey's pregnancy continued smoothly and uneventfully, overflowing with many happy, loving moments between her and Ben, though  interspersed with several random and severe emotional breakdowns as well. She couldn't keep the fear of losing Ben, or even the baby, off her mind, and for the first time ever she felt she wasn't being completely open about her thoughts and feelings with Ben. The fears were too real to be said aloud, and she remembered Luke's teaching, passed on from Master Yoda and the Jedi before him, "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering." So she put on a brave face, wiped her tears and willed herself back into serenity.

Rey and Ben had shared their good news long ago with their friends, and Finn, Rose, Poe and Chewy we're constantly in contact, waiting for updates. Maz arrived towards the end of Rey's eighth month of pregnancy, bringing a portable medical pod and nursery equipment with her just in case they were needed. Rose and Finn sent cheery holographic messages the them once a week. Poe even stopped by the farm one day to drop off C3PO, saying he was going to take up residence with them indefinitely. And so, the nervous parents to be felt truly blessed and supported, as Rey slowly but surely reached her ninth month.

... to be continued.

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