Chapter 5 - When I Saw Him in the Light

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- Two years ago -

| Charlotte |

I ALWAYS ENDED up at the same spot in a 7-Eleven: the Slurpee machines. There was something about the cool sugary drink that appealed to me.

My brother often teased me about my 'addiction' and, as I picked a large cup and filled it with three quarters Coke and one quarter Wild Cherry, I had to agree with him. I was a lost cause.

Taking a long sip of my drink I couldn't help but close my eyes as the flavors exploded into my mouth like fireworks.

"Another girl would be worried about the amount of carbs on that drink." A voice that had lately been plaguing my dreams cut in on my Slurpee orgasm.

My eyes snapped open.

And I almost took a step back.

Everything that two weeks ago in the middle of the night I'd marked off as dangerous was duplicated tenfold in the light of day.

His hair had grown some, but was still trimmed close to his scalp. It made me wonder if he'd gotten a cut the last few days. His clean shaved jaw, highlighted the sharp lines and high cheekbones. Then my gaze dropped to the arms he'd folded over his chest.

He was wearing a white T-shirt that accentuated his solid physique, but all I could do was stare at his arms.

He had tattoo sleeves.

The designs popped up like a living thing as his muscles shifted.

My mouth went instantly dry.

Catching the straw between my lips I took a long drag. Then my gaze flew up to meet his.

Under the lighting of the store his eyes were such a deep brown they looked almost black. And as I stared into them my anxiety started to dissolve, just like the first time.

It was again him and me on a cool summer night.

Unaware my lips had slowly started to turn up I tilted my head, studying him intently, not sure whether he'd meant that as an insult or a compliment.

My body was one of those unsolved mysteries of life. I never put on weight so I never had that urge to count how many carbs I ate on a day. I know some people would think I was blessed, but sometimes I'd look at myself in the mirror and wish I had a more shapely figure. A little more hips, maybe a larger cup size. Instead I was lean like a dancer and slightly taller than the average. It was hard, but I had learned to live with what I got.

"I'm not your average girl."

I watched in amazement as the slightly guarded expression that had clouded his eyes retreated. It looked almost as if he'd made up his mind I'd turn down any attempt at conversation and my reply had caught him off guard.

"No, you're not." He said, unfolding his inked arms and taking a step closer. He hesitated, as if giving me time to come to my senses and run away.

When I didn't his chin jerked towards my cup. "Good?"

I smiled, shaking the contents of the cup. "The best." Then I curiously added. "What's your favorite flavor?"

He made a face. "No favorite."

"Suicide?" One of my brows rose in shock as I took another sip of my slushy.

His smile broke free. "No. Never tried it. It's not my thing."

My jaw dropped in mock horror. "Blasphemy!"

He rubbed a hand over his mouth as if he wasn't used to smiling this much---which was a pity. He looked really handsome when he did. "Guys like me don't drink fruity slushy. It's one of the rules of life."

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