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Lainey, how are you? How do you feel? On your homework again?

You're not my doctor. I don't want to discuss things with you.

Yeah, fine. Stable. I'm studying Finnish.
What's your university major then?
It's unrelated. Finnish is not for school. I have nothing to tell you about. I'm good.

So she walks off. Good. I was actually supposed to talk to the lovely ordinator assigned to me, but she seems to be a bit late from the holidays.

Lainey, let's go for a walk!

A walk here means going circles around the hospital buildings for about 40 minutes. You can only walk with a group, too. Which is boring as hell until you learn how to distance yourself properly.
But it's the only way to get some fresh air, so. It will have to do.

What's your name?
Ok Lainey, could you pass me the tv remote?

We introduced before, but that's more than usual here - introducing multiple times.
People come, people go, and your memory sucks. Everyone knows that

My young lovely ordinator should come in soon, and maybe I can beg some freedom. Just 2 or 3 days. At least one. Let me breathe, let me meet one of my dearests.
I know it may be slightly against the rules because you're not the real doctor, but please please find a way to. I'm a good girl. Minä olen hyvä tyttö. I am stable. Just help me for a bit.

Lainey, your pills.
Lainey, come to have dinner.
Yikes. Food.
Lainey, pills.
Lainey, time to sleep.

And that doesn't sound like my name anymore.

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