🥳🎉🎊Let's Get This Party Started🪅💃🏻🕺🏻

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Dom watches as Xavianna and her pups head straight upstairs he took that as a good sign that he was right she was there because of his sister though if he truly thought about it she had given him clues that that was the reason she was there her little tease about spying on Mia with a telescope from her bedroom window was the first clue because it was HIM that did that to HER (Xavi) when he was a teen before he started to feel things for Letty.... which didn't happen till after Xavi left.... "hey Dom I wanna show you something"  Dom hears Xavi say as he and Letty were heading upstairs and she was coming down with her pups in tow "alright"  Dom replies and he follows Xavi out the door and to her car "this side"  she tells him he follows her around to the drivers side and he sees a detail of a familiar looking necklace on the driver side door with the chain flowing across to the back and the words "in memoriam of Daddy T "Tornado" Toretto".... Xavi always called Dom's dad "Daddy T" or "Tornado".... written along the inside of the chain written in her gorgeous calligraphy he stares at it with a surprised expression on his face "I hope you don't mind I remember your father wearing that same necklace and I wanted to honor both of our fathers in the only way I knew how.... especially since they both loved cars in their own way.... people keep asking me why I never race in this car and since my dad wasn't a racer I've always thought if I used his car for something like that it would be disrespectful!"   Xavi says Dom hugs her shoulder and replies "no it's cool!.... hey Letty have you seen this!?!"  Letty who followed the two of them.... and the pups.... out walks over and looks at the decal of the necklace on the car but doesn't say anything about it as Dom wraps his arm around her shoulders with a grin on his face "some day I might just let you drive it I know that out of everyone I know you'll try to treat it with respect!"  Xavi tells Dom who had a look of excitement on his face he's been wanting to drive the Boss 429 Mustang since long before he learned how to drive he had helped her father work on it from time to time as a kid Xavi was born a 2 years before Dom.... Dom was born August 29, 1976 Xavi was born September 09, 1974.... "I better go make sure your sister hasn't killed anyone come on Daisy, Duke!"   Xavi says then she and her pups walk back into the house listening to Dom chuckle as they walk away "finally gettin it huh Dom!?!"  Xavi teases without stopping or looking at him and she hears him laugh.... that night Xavi ended up sleeping in the office of the café Mia tried to get her to stay at the Toretto home but with all the leftovers from the party.... mainly Vince.... she understood why she didn't though she did leave Daisy with Mia and took Duke with her....

The next day Xavianna walks into the auto mechanic shop Dom owns with Duke at her heels and hears Dom tell his sister "hold off on it"  and Mia reply "Dom I don't know what to do with it"   Xavi says as she walks over to the two of them "I'll help

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The next day Xavianna walks into the auto mechanic shop Dom owns with Duke at her heels and hears Dom tell his sister "hold off on it"  and Mia reply "Dom I don't know what to do with it"   Xavi says as she walks over to the two of them "I'll help.... what!?! I do the paperwork at the market so you can pretend to look busy I can figure this out you.... got THAT to deal with!"  she points to the rusty bucket of bolts that was being backed up into the parking lot Dom chuckles and claps her on the shoulder with his large strong, warm hand then walks away "I think he believes I'm soft he can't stop touching me!"  Xavi teasingly whispers to Mia who chuckles and they hear Dom ask "all right what the hell is this? what do you got there?"  Xavi takes the paperwork from Mia who's attention turns to Brian who comes into view then she walks over to the nearest desk and gets to work blocking out the rest of the world as she concentrates on the paperwork.... Xavi pops her head up when she hears Duke bark to get her attention she looks up and sees Dom smiling at her "sorry!"  she says softly "in your own little world here or what?!"  Dom asks still smiling "no just.... trying to get this done with the least amount of noise as possible.... is there something I can do for you?!"  he looks at her without saying a word for two seconds then says "yeah I need these parts ordered for that!"  he points over to the rust bucket that is now inside the garage and he lays a piece of paper down on the desk with his sexy yet masculine calligraphy all over it "so if I have you sign this how much do you think I'll get off of Amazon for it!?!"  she teases "Amazon!?!.... not eBay!?!"  he asks "well the Amazons were warriors so and the eBay joke is SO over used! so I thought I'd.... would you rather I put it on Craigslist!?!.... I believe they do porn now too!"  she replies he laughs "I'll get this done and let you know when it can be delivered"  she tells him "I appreciate it"  he replies then walks away "I'm sorry"  he hears her say softly making his body quiver excitedly "don't be!"  he replies in a low soft voice knowing exactly what she was sorry for but unlike her he wasn't sorry not one bit his mind constantly went back to that stolen kiss and how she looked at the race when she started them off and their eyes met for just a few seconds before he drove past her.... Dom was shocked somehow Xavi was able to get him a discount on everything he asked for so he didn't have to pay as much as Jesse claimed they would not even half that and how she was able to get next day delivery for things that would usually take months.... shesh this woman can work miracles "did you sell your soul of a Klondike bar or something!?!.... you didn't sell your body did you!?!"  he asks when he sees the list of parts she ordered and the price she was able to get on them and their delivery date not to mention how quickly she got it all done his joking tone became one of worry when he asked the second question "didn't need too apparently your name opens doors in the racing world! one mention of you and I'm surprised people DON'T ask if you want to be sponsored!.... I turned them down.... hard!"  she replies whispering her last five words he chuckles then says "good!.... how hard!?!"  she laughs which makes him smile she has the most beautiful laugh he has ever heard "hey thanks!"  he says "anytime!"  she replies then after a small pause she asks "so Dom.... know of any good houses with a garage that are for sale?!.... Mia doesn't like the fact that I drive so far to get back and forth to work everyday and I don't think she'd like the idea of me sleeping in the café every night.... or here in the shop for that matter!.... and if I do move back here I want a place to store my dad's car there's no way I'm leaving it out in a driveway or putting it in a storage unit! I just don't trust.... people!.... not with my dad's car!"  he replies with a smile "I'll look for one"  she says "thanks"  then turns and goes back to work on what she was working on figuring she once again turned off the world he continued on his way out of the garage....

A few days later Dom invites Xavianna to a barbecue at his place she helps bring in the groceries and with the cooking while watching Dom and Brian "sneak" bites of chicken straight off the grill and give them to her pups with a soft chuckle and a...

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A few days later Dom invites Xavianna to a barbecue at his place she helps bring in the groceries and with the cooking while watching Dom and Brian "sneak" bites of chicken straight off the grill and give them to her pups with a soft chuckle and a smile seeing her smile and hearing her chuckle makes Dom smile "alright enough!"  Xavi says with a chuckle in her tone "what!?!.... I didn't do anything!"  Dom replies with a smile "so it was all Brian then huh?!"  she asks "exactly!"  he replies she chuckles as she bumps her shoulder against his pushing him a little ways away making him smile Letty who was watching them tease one another did not look happy at all about it "I'll tell you what.... with every extra piece of chicken EITHER of you feed them you have to spend that many hours working out with them turning the fat you put on their bellies into muscle! and I don't mean by having them chase the chicken you tie to the bumper of your cars as you drive them! I mean actual working out running, hiking, swimming, tossing balls and sticks.... you know the fun stuff!"  she says "deal!"  Brian and Dom chorus making her laugh.... Xavi sits in-between Brian and Jesse at the picnic table when the food was done she whistles through her lips a soft high whistle then Daisy and Duke rush over then sit next to Brian and Dom's chairs wagging their tails at the men as they stare up at them making everyone but Letty laugh.... Daisy sat next to Brian Duke sat next to Dom.... "hey hold up because you were the first outta everybody here to reach in and get the chicken you say grace"  Dom tells Jesse who was indeed the first to reach for food and start to fill his plate "I know"  Jesse says he blushes when he feels Xavi pat his thigh in a comforting "you got this!" manner Dom smiles at Xavi making Letty angry "dear heavenly uh...."  Jesse starts "spirit"  Leon says trying to help him "there's no wrong way to do it just speak from the heart J"  Xavi says softly Jesse nods nervously then says "spirit thank you thank you for providing us with a direct port nitrous injection.... four core intercoolers and ball bearing turbos.... titanium valve springs and for allowing us to have our friend Xavianna over for the first time in a very long time! thank you"  Dom claps and Leon says "Amen"  then he claps along with Dom who smiles at Jesse pointing and wiggling a finger at him and says "not bad"  Brian smiles and says "Amen"  Letty says "he was praying to the car gods man"  Mia chuckles there was a mix of chatter then Duke barks as Vince who had left earlier when he first saw Brian walks up to where the picnic table was set up "Dom"  Xavi says softly nodding over to Vince Dom turns and looks at his friend as Leon says "look who it is "old Coyotes are us" I thought you said you weren't hungry pumpkin"  Xavi picks up her plate, stands up then moves away from the table Dom looks at her with a "what do you think you're doing!?!" expression on his face "you can have my seat Vince I'm done anyway"  Xavi says as she walks away from the table and hears Dom call out "what do you mean you're done!?! you barely ate!"  Xavi replies without stopping or looking at him "I know when I'm not wanted and if I have to continue watch her stare at me like that I'll punch her in the face! and I'd rather not turn a family dinner into a spectacle.... I got a full plate I'm good!"  Dom looks at Letty as Vince walks over rubs the top of Dom's head and gives it a kiss he doesn't take Xavi's seat however he takes a seat at the other end of the table by Leon

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