Ohana Means Family, Family Means Nobody Gets Left Behind Or Forgotten

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Xavianna walks up the Toretto house driveway behind Luke and she hears Roman say "hey Mia you better hide your baby oil.... I'm just playin"  and Luke replies "you better hide that big ass forehead"  Tej spits out his drink as he tries to hold back a laugh "I was just joking, whatever, definitely not funny"  Roman mutters his eyes widen when he sees Xavi walk up behind Luke and Daisy runs over to her Dom saw Daisy who was standing at his side rush over to whoever was "hiding" behind Luke and he stares in shock at the seemingly unharmed and still gorgeous Xavi kneel down and pet her.... well Jack's pup.... his attention gets turned back to Luke as the cop says "it's official you're all free"  then he hands the manilla envelope he was holding over to Dom "it wasn't half bad having you work for me"  Luke adds "wasn't it the other way around Hobble?!"  Xavi teases Dom smiles then asks Luke "how is she?!"  Luke looks over at Xavi and says "she was a little disoriented when she climbed out of the car but she's better now!.... still gets headaches from time to time.... but she's getting there!"  Brian looks at Luke and says "thank you.... for taking care of her!"  Luke replies "she's family!"  Xavi teases "don't you go quoting Lilo and Stitch on me Hobble!"  Luke chuckles and Xavi's eyes meet Dom's and he smiles at her then says to Luke "not bad for a cop"  Luke replies "I never thought I'd trust a criminal.... till next time"  Dom replies without looking away from Xavi "till next time"  Brian asks "so Xav.... you stayin?!"  Xavi looks Luke then at Brian and shakes her head saying "not this time"  Brian looks sad but he nods as he watches her and Luke leave Xavi stops when she hears Dom call out softly "X!"  she turns around looks into his eyes then replies ".."Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten".... take care of your family Dom!.... I need to find my own!.... besides.... I promised someone that I'd visit her and I never break a promise!"  he smiles at her but his smile disappears when she turns back around and continues on her way and he whispers "we are your family!"  just then Letty walks over and stands at his side and he walks around then away from her just as she reaches for his hand "hey you!"  Dom hears Letty call out with a slightly rude and bossy tone he turns around and rolls his eyes as Xavi turns to face the woman "Dom wants you to stay so you stay!"  Letty orders "Dommy dearest needs to learn that he doesn't always get what he wants!"  Xavi coos playfully looking into Dom's eyes Dom chuckles with a smile "excuse me?!"  Letty asks with a offended tone as though she couldn't believe someone wasn't following her orders "it's really hard being in love with two people at the same time isn't it?!"  Xavi asks looking at Letty who's mouth opens as though she couldn't believe she was being spoke to in this way "what are you talking about?!"  Letty asks as though she was somewhat appalled by Xavi's question "before you came back I was the one at his side through thick and thin!.... you.... you gave up on him!.... HELL you practically GAVE him to me!.... you can call it "testing him" to see where he'd go or whatever! but after you broke up with him he waited a year then figured you weren't getting back with him so he went to me!.... I've been with him ever since.... sure you went on jobs with him and acted like the skanks at the races he always had an arm around that you "hated" so much trying to "get him back" just because he went to me!.... hell you left him because of our "flirtatious" friendship.... which I have with.... most.... of them just ask Han and his ass!"  Han chuckles softly with a smile as she continues  "and now that your back!.... now that he out of everyone you got "stuck" with showed you even the smallest bit of kindness you're once again pressing you hip up to his leg humping it like a dog in heat hoping against all hope that it will be like before I ever came back to Cali!.... I was his friend first, I've known him the longest HELL I lived across the street from him and Mia for the first 15 years of my life! but I'm not so heartless that I will put MY needs over his or FORCE myself onto him and into his life!.... my mom was like that!.... she had to be the center of everyone's world she could never be left alone!.... she wasn't depressed but she was.... in a way.... suicidal.... she was so dependent on others she couldn't live without someone watching over her 24/7/365 or she would basically just disappear.... I left for two reasons.... my mom hated the fact that I was friends with Dom and "had nightmares" of the day I'd leave her for him.... or anyone else for that matter!.... we had just lost my dad and to lose me too.... in ANY way!.... she made sure that I was trapped living with her till her dying breath!.... the sad thing is we didn't find a place of our own we went and lived with her mom! so I got stuck with a co-dependent woman and the woman who made her that way all because she was her ONLY child just like I was my mothers and I thank the good lord everyday for that fact for I would never want to subject ANYONE to her weaknesses!.... I swore to myself I would never become my mother I also won't make decisions for people!.... I won't boss them around unless it's for a good reason and not selfish ones!.... I'm not walking away because I WANT too I'm walking away so that he can figure out what HE wants!.... giving him time to figure out who he wants to be with!.... I am not going to place myself in a position that would confuse him and you rubbing up against him like you're trying to do not because you remember what it was like when it was just the two of you but because "he makes you feel safe" he's actually giving you the attention you WANT to have!.... I don't NEED to be here!.... I have the rest of my life to spend time with each and everyone of these people that actually want me in their life for what I hope would be unselfish reasons!"  Xavi replies then she starts to walk back up the driveway as she continues "I'll tell you what Leticia!.... if you can tell me my name.... and I mean my FULL name not just the nicknames you heard me being called.... without being prompted by any of these people standing around us I'll stay! if not I won't Luke can wait a few more minutes he specifically asked for this day off so he can escort me to my promised visitation which because of your skanky ass I'm late for so go on!.... tell me my name! .... first, middle AND last.... I DID say FULL name after all.... Hobble.... time her.... she has the same amount of time Owen had!"  Luke who was standing at the very end of the driveway with a smile on his face makes a show of looking at his watch and waits Letty's mouth opens and shuts a few times but she didn't say a word a minute and a half later Letty still hasn't said a word just looks at Xavi mouth agape Xavi turns and starts walking the rest of the way down the driveway into Luke's waiting arm which he wraps around her shoulders and they walk to his big beast of a car and drive off....

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